When Lightning Strikes you down

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For those of you who have not watched Dragons riders of Berk Episode seventeen: When Lightning Strikes. Basically the vikings set up metal perches for the dragons, and a lightning storm comes, attracted to the metal. Mildew the unpleasant blames Toothless, and tries to run him off the Island. Hiccup start to fly away, but the metal in the tail gets struck, causing him to crash. Hiccup then proves it's the metal, not Toothless that Thor is angry with, and everything goes back to normal.

But what if it wasn't like that?

What if it instead of being struck down on Berk, Toothless and Hiccup were out at sea?

What if our young hero got blasted off his dragon, and Toothless and him get separated?

What happens when Lightning Strikes you Down?


"You can hide Toothless in the cove for now," Astrid said. Her, Hiccup and Toothless were hiding behind some store houses, they could hear the angry villagers searching for Toothless from where they stood.

"They'll just find him," he looked down at his foot. He knew what needed to be done. "No, we have to leave,"

"We?" Astrid asked. Hiccup looked at Toothless, guilt shining in his eyes.

"He can't make it on his own. And I wouldn't want him too," He held Toothless's head in a sort of hug, before pulling back and looking at Astrid. "I'm going with him, Astrid."

"But you'll come back right?" Astrid asked, a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Yeah, eventually," he wanted to reassure her, but that's the best he's got. He looks up and meets her eyes. "When they all realize this didn't happen because of Toothless."

A noise comes from behind them.

"You better go," Astrid said, voice carefully composed.

She watched him fly off into the clouds as Mildew the Unpleasant approaches from behind her.

"Wheres the boy?" he asked. "And more importantly where's the dragon?"

"I don't know Mildew, but you got your wish. Hiccup and toothless are gone," her voice almost breaks as she says it.

"Oh, bah!" Mildew yells. "Find the Nightfury! All of you."

Then, the whole Island hears the tell tale whistle of the offspring of lightning and death. They hear the cry of 'bye Mildew' carried by the wind. They watch the black shadow shoot like an arrow away from Berk. Hiccup was gone.

The storm wasn't.


Hiccup closed his eyes for a moment, rain bouncing off his head. He had just left Berk, and was heading into the unknown. All because Mildew the Unpleasant.

"Why Thor!?" he screamed to the sky. "Is my life some game to you Odin?! What have I done to deserve this?" The whistling wind and rumble of thunder was his only answer.

He didn't know how long he had been flying before Lightning struck.

Hiccup screamed as Toothless went into a wild spin, not fully a dive but far to steep for a glide. Spinning like a Heron in water spout. Hiccup looked back, the metal rods in the tail were glowing from the lightning strike, slightly twisted.

And then it clicked.

The metal. The lightning was because of the metal. He knew it wasn't because of Toothless. He would have celebrated if not for two facts.

One, he was still on a dragon plummeting from the sky.

And two. He had a big hunk of metal where his left leg should be.

Scarcely had he thought this before lightning struck again, blasting him off Toothless, the sea was the sky and the sky was the sea.

What could he do when Lightning Strikes him down?

And he hit the sea and everything was dark.


It had been a week since Hiccup had left. On the fourth day Fishlegs figured out the metal was causing the storm. On the fifth a very scared and partially injured Sharpshot returned to Berk.

There was no message attached.

No sign of Hiccup or Toothless. The academy, Stoic, and Gobber all waited for Hiccup's return. A second week passed. Then a third. No sign, neither hide nor hair of the boy and his Nightfury.

When a month had passed, only Astrid still had hope. Hiccup was out there. They just needed to find him.


A young man cam too, unsure where he was. He was sore all over, and hi throat was dry as sandpaper. The boy attempted to stand, shocked to find half his left leg gone.

He had no memory of how he had lost it.

He had no memory of anything.

That's chapter one! It's kind of a Hiccup runaway fic, but Hiccup didn't actually run away.

I hope you liked it, there's more coming. If you haven't already, take a look at my other works, The Pirate Heir, about Hiccup being raised by Pirates, and The Winner IS..., a one shot based off the episode Worst in Show, from Defenders of Berk.

Don't let Thor bite (;

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