Chapter Ten

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"We have to tell someone about this," Ana says, we'd left the library and started walking along the path that wraps around the castle. A scenic trail that goes through almost all the royal gardens.

"Yah I get that," I say bitterly. "But how are we supposed to say it? 'Hey mom and dad we talked to that evil guy you're both terrified of, he said we have to go to NYC so we're going.' Yah that'll be fun." I roll my eyes.

"It's the only way," she replies, giving me a stern look. "And you know that perfectly well. Tonight is the good time anyway."

"Okay you're right, but you better use your powers to help me out."

"They'll expect that, and you know I can't stand using my powers on Mom and Dad."

"Yah I know," I let my eyes wander over the scenery, blocking myself from the conversation. My vision falls on a small garden, the one in memory of Ms.Jo.

In the middle of it, on one knee, is Graham. His eyes are shut and his head is bent in reverence.
He does this about every other day. The guilt of her death still haunts him, crushing into his heart.
Ana tries to help, her and I's abilities now affective since the fallout of Regina.

"I'm going to talk to him," Ana says, veering toward his direction. Then she stops and turns around to face me. "Don't forget they're our parents. They love us." She gives me a smile and continues toward Graham. I return a fake smile and continue on my path. I hate when she's right.

- - -

Every Friday night, before dinner, we have a "family meeting". A time at which we share stories from our week, or ask for advice from the entire family, a slightly frightening affair.
I've never been nervous before one of these. Usually I remain relatively quiet, occasionally giving information, or contributing to what discussion is in progress. Tonight, however, I'm in a completely different state.

My mind races, the events of the day pulsing through. I try to put them into words of explanation, but I fail. No matter which way I align the syllables, they still form into sentences flammable when in my parents' ears.

My legs sink into each step of the grand staircase. Bringing me closer and closer to the usual meeting location. A large, round table located in the main foyer. Earning this family meeting the name "Family Knight at the round table". A pun crafted by non other than Anastasia herself.

I walk into the foyer, the soft glow of the chandelier warming my mood a tad. Dinner isn't considered a "meeting" because typically one or two people are eating somewhere else. However, this gathering, despite the lack of a punishment for truancy, is mandatory.

Almost everyone is already sitting in their usual seats, waiting impatiently for Snow and myself to settle in.

I make my way to my chair and slide in. Anastasia is on my right, Graham by her side (all significant others permitted to attend) and Sam to my left, her and her boyfriend had split a few months back.

After a couple minutes Snow strolls in, muttering an apology and explaining that the townspeople needed extra help at the market.

Once she is seated, Charming begins to speak, a look of suppressed distaste on his face. He turns to Hook and Sylvia.

"I will begin this meeting by saying," He looks at Snow. Giving her a "do I really have to do this?" expression. Her eyes return an intense "yes" and he continues. "By saying I am sorry to Hook-"

"Killian," Sylvia interjects. My father gives her a glance of (suppressed) annoyance.

"Killian," he corrects, his tone sharp and his constants exaggerated. "I'm sorry for losing control of my temper. I'm just very protective of my daughters, hopefully this child will help you see my point."

A collective "awwww" spreads throughout the room, broken by Hook's response, "Thanks-" He pauses for a second, forming a wide smile with his lips. "Dad."

Charming gives him an uncomfortable glare and everyone bursts out laughing.

"Okay okay. So, anymore romance surprises Snow and I need to be alerted to?" He moves his gaze toward the couple to my right. Ana's face immediately transitions to a shade of red, and Graham stifles a chord of laughter. "No sir," he manages to mutter.

Charming gives an approving nod. "Anyone else have anything to share?"

"Say it now," something within me screams. I mentally fight it back, but it's winning.

"I have something," the words spill out of my mouth like a tipped glass of water. Everyone's attention darts toward me. I lock eyes with my parents.

"Today, after you and mom left the library. That man, Rumpelstiltskin, appeared."

The size of both of their eyes doubles, and they noticeably shutter at the name.

"What did he say?" Charming replies, his jaw clenched.

"He said he knew where to find the sorcerer who sent me those letters. Also, that because Ana and I were "newcomers" he would give us our answer free of exhange."

"What was the answer?" Snow inquires.

"New York City," I say, my voice growing flat and quiet. "Is there any way for me to get there?"

My father's face is now singed with red. "You plan to FOLLOW his information?!" He says, his voice crescendoing with each word.

"Yes, why not?" I answer, mustering the same amount of intensity.

"Because he's manipulative, and I know you read that when you met him," His voice is softer, but the level of passion is unchanged.

"I couldn't read his mind-"

"Don't get smart with me you know what I meant," His eyes narrow.

"I don't care what he's up to, he's given me a chance to find Peter and that's all I care about-"

"Peter's dead Arabella. No matter how powerful Rumpelstiltskin is, he can't change that."

The anger within in me bubbles to its high. I rise from seat, my eyes still narrowed on my father.

"I don't give a damn about what you think, I'm going to New York," I spit, venom packed in each fragment. I push past my chair and stride furiously toward the door.

"How are you going to get there?" Charming's voice calls from behind me.

"I'll take a detour through the gates of hell if I have to," I answer, slamming the door.

I stomp my way back to my room, tears of anger forming in my eyes.
A few have fallen down my face when I reach my room. I walk in, once again slamming the door. Then, I fall face down onto my bed, shoving my face into my pillow, and let out a scream of frustration.

For the first time in a long time, I miss my home realm.

The Lost Boy (Sequel to The Lost Realm)Where stories live. Discover now