Chapter Eleven

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I remain on my bed, lying face up, staring at the ceiling.

This world is supposed to be perfect. There isn't supposed to be struggles and strife. Everything should be rainbows and flowers, like the fairytales I once knew. Funny how dreams turn into nightmares.

A light knock surfaces on my door.

"Yah," I call.

"I brought you dinner," Anastasia answers.

I get up and open the locked door. She quickly comes in, a tray filled with food carefully balanced in her arms.
The tray gets placed on my bed, with Ana and I sitting at either side.

I quickly grab a fork and start eating.

"Did you already eat?" I ask through mouthfuls.

Ana nods. She hasn't said a word since she arrived, and her eyes have been focused far away.

"How is everyone downstairs?"

"Quiet," she responds.

"Thanks for helping calm down Dad, lot of help that was," I say bitterly, looking down at my food.

"I tried, he could've been angrier," her voice holds just the slightest bit of humor.

We both smile.

"I guess he could've," I say chuckling a little. This trace of happiness washes away the previously sullen atmosphere.

"So, I was doing some reading in the library, and I found this book." She pulls out a large, faded brown book from a bag I hadn't noticed before.

"What is it?"

She opens the cover. "Plants of Florisian."

"No wonder it's huge," I laugh.

She remains focused on the book and flips to a bright pink bookmark then hands it to me. I sink a little from the weight.

My eyes scan the title of the page.
"The Magic Bean"

I glance up at Ana. "So we're growing a beanstalk?"

She gives me an annoyed glance, "Just keep reading."

I follow her instruction and reconnect my eyes with the words.

"This rare plant grows in the east part of Floristian. Originally grown by giants, the crop was planted here after the giants visited and brought it as a gift for the Floristians. The beans have the power to open a portal to any realm. Unfortunately, this great power makes them highly rare and well protected by garden fairies. Only royalty or high ranking fairies have access to the plant."

"This is perfect!" I shout, hugging Ana and knocking over the tray of now empty dishes. "Why didn't Mom and Dad tell us about this?"

"Why do you think?" She answers, giving me a condescending expression.

"Right," I respond, realizing the answer.
Our parents would never give us the tools to follow Rumpelstiltskin's advice.

"Let's go find the beans," I say rising from the bed.

"Right now?" Ana asks, her tone skeptical.

"Yah, why not?"

"Won't the garden fairies be a little curious as to why two princesses need portal jumping beans this late?"

I open the door. "Nah, we can just say we're studying the culture of Floristian. C'mon! Oh don't forget the book."

"You're crazy," She says, following me out the door.

The Lost Boy (Sequel to The Lost Realm)Where stories live. Discover now