Chapter 13

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Blaise watched as the tents burned, the flames devouring their few supplies. He ordered Shaye to try and rescue some of them but called her back immediately when one of her wings got singed. She was too useful to waste.

Shivering and thirsty, they headed into the forest. Blaise bent down to examine the plants and licked the dew from his fingers. "There is a spring near here," he said. "I cannot remember it's exact location, so we'll have to hunt for it." He sent Shaye into the thickets whilst he and Zenobias strode down the clearer path.

"You wanted to speak with me?" said Zenobias. "Before we were rudely interrupted."

"Yes," said Blaise. "Can you awaken anyone from death? Does it matter how long they've been dead?"

Zenobias grinned. "Yes, and I can make them follow your commands. Only yours. Why is there someone you had in mind?"

"There was," he shook his head. "I don't want her to be a mindless slave."

"You've lost someone close to you?"

They strolled aimlessly, more engrossed in their conversation rather than in searching for water.

"How long does it take to dig up a grave?" Blaise asked.

Zenobias stopped in his tracks. "What are you suggesting?"

"Slayhold has one of the largest graveyards in all of Selandris," said Blaise. "We could arrive their tomorrow night, whilst everyone is sleeping, dig up however many bodies we need for our army."

"An army of the dead?" Zenobias lit up. "And we won't need to dig too far at all. My powers extend a short way. I don't have to be touching a person to bring them back. Besides, my risen dead become immensely strong. They'll be able to dig most of the way out themselves."

"Sounds like you've done this before."

"I've experimented." Zenobias shrugged.

"I'm glad you're on my side," said Blaise.

"Who were you thinking of before?"


"You mentioned you didn't want her to become a mindless slave," said Zenobias. "Who's her?"

"It doesn't matter," said Blaise. "Unless you can bring her back exactly the way she was, then I don't want to discuss it further. Understand?"

He shrugged. "Guess she wouldn't be very pretty now."

Blaise grabbed the back of his neck. "If you were smart, you would stop talking now."

Zenobias whacked his hand away, spun round and seized his throat. "Listen here. I don't need you. I could do all this by myself. The only reason I am letting you tag along is because I've respected you all my life. Sorry, what was that?" He let go.

Blaise rubbed his neck. "You've a funny way of showing respect."

"I'm giving you control of my creations. What more do you want?"

"Lay a hand on me again and you're dead."


Everyone seemed to stare at them as they ambled through the city. Leon and Benemez walked ahead, side by side. Dragin trailed behind with Frida's body cradled in his arms. His knees buckled with every step, but he refused to let anyone else carry her. An old man in the street removed his hat and bowed his head. Maylis averted her eyes and kept going, straight up to the castle's gate where Kaleb was waiting for her.

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