Chapter 14

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The world peeled away like wallpaper and Maylis stood on the roof of a stable, rain trickling down her back. It felt so real. She peered below and saw her younger self crying beside her dying mother. She jumped, and nearly fell from the roof but Ravenesca grabbed her arm, digging in sharp nails.

"Some creatures seek the darkest edge," said the small shaky voice below. "Where they shall take a selfish pledge. Let such beings, by hate, transformed, be taken through the abyss storm."

Through welling up eyes, Maylis watched as her mother's life slipped away. "I don't want to see this." She pulled from Ravenesca's grasp. "How did you even escape?"

"No-one can keep me in a cage. One slip up from a naive, easily persuaded guard and I'm free to do whatever I please." She smiled smugly and flicked her blond hair. "And I'm here to show you something of importance. A truth you may have forgotten."

Maylis glanced back towards the ground. Her younger self had vanished but her mother still lay there, vacant eyes staring up at the stars. What truth was she supposed to have missed?

The walls of the castle grew around them and the world was put right. Maylis was surprised to find herself hunched over on the floor. The visions cleared from her mind.

"What did you do her?" Kaleb shouted.

"I showed her the truth," said Ravenesca. "She's a spellcaster. The only one who can right her mother's wrongs. It was her who spoke the words that cast us into the abyss. It's because of her you grew up without your father."

Maylis's head pounded. What did Ravenesca have to gain from showing her this? Was she trying to make Kaleb hate her? He looked paler than normal, but he still stood by her side, fists clenched. Did she think this knowledge would entice her to join The Superiors? Maylis scowled.

"You're one of us," said Ravenesca. "Yet you surround yourself with people who hate your existence."

Leon appeared in the doorway. "Sorry to disturb you again but the carriage-" He froze.

Ravenesca smiled at him before fading like a ghost. He grabbed hold of the door frame as if shoved aside and hastened footsteps tip-tapped down the corridor. Leon composed himself.

"Did she hurt either of you?" he asked. Maylis knew that with so many passageways, it would be impossible to tell which way Ravenesca had gone.

"We're fine," she replied.

"I should've known," he said. "No-one's been able to keep that witch locked up. Not even King Xachrius back in the day." Maylis felt an uncomfortable pit in her stomach at the mention of her uncle's name. "Please excuse me," he added. "I need to inform the queen of this. And hurry, the carriage leaves soon."


Maylis stood by the carriage and stared at the coffin that lay inside. It wasn't much of a send-off. Frida had no family left so the road was mostly lined with servants from the castle. Leon exchanged coins with the horseman and thanked him for his service but didn't even look at Dragin when he returned to stand next to Benemez. Maylis wondered if he felt as guilty as she did. Kaleb, who had been asked to say a few words, shook as he stepped up to address the small crowd.

"I didn't know her that well," he mumbled. "I won't go into how we first met because none of you would understand. I don't see-"

He caught Maylis's stern look and cleared his throat.

"She was kind." He slowed down. "One of the kindest people I had the fortune to meet. It was a tragedy that I only got to know her for a short time. Perhaps my father will be able to-"

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