Chapter 88 & 89

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Chapter 88: Gold

Wang Ran was malicious; he looked at Qin Yi and the others like he was watching a show and was eager to have a drama unfold before him.

Yang Hao was embarrassed. He wanted to scold Wang Ran and make him stop talking nonsense, but Yang Hao was helpless.

Wang Ran had awakened the gold ability and he was very arrogant now; he didn’t care about this captain at all.

Yang Hao could feel the disdain Wang Ran had towards him and even wanted to replace his position as the captain, but Yang Hao couldn’t chase him away right now. He was an ability user and he couldn’t let him join other teams.

Thankfully, Wang Ran had just awakened his ability and needed Yang Hao’s guidance in many areas. Also, Yang Hao took a glimpse of the woman who hung her head low – Wang Ran had his eyes on this woman and this could be a way to make him stay.

But Yang Hao didn’t expect that some people were simply ingrates. He kept covering up so that he could give him the deadliest blow at the end.

Zhao Ya couldn’t tolerate this; Qin Yi was the man in her heart. He was someone she liked. How could she let Wang Ran bully him like that?

She stepped forward and glared at Wang Ran. “How could you curse someone to die? Why are you such a bad person? Big brother Wang, I didn’t expect you to be someone like that.”

Wang Ran paused and looked at Zhao Ya in disdain. “I’m bad? I’m speaking the truth. Look at him, he looks like he’s about to die, right? Also, you have feelings for him, but I’ve got to say you don’t have very good taste, huh? His looks are merely passable. I wonder what’s the use of someone like him living in this world?”

Zhao Ya’s face went pale then she blushed. She didn’t expect that Wang Ran would be so blunt and expose her feelings in front of everybody. She glanced at Qin Yi in embarrassment.

When Xia Cai saw how he criticized Qin Yi, yet Yun Huan and the others did not retort, she thought that Yun Huan’s team really intended to leave Qin Yi behind.

Initially, she didn’t really like this pretty-looking teenager and was secretly elated in her heart at this moment. Xia Cai looked at Zhao Ya, who was blushing, and curled her lips subconsciously.

Zhao Ya really didn’t have good taste and actually liked this fella. Other than his good looks and strength, he didn’t have any other good points.

Look at that pale face and scrawny figure – he might not be able to live any longer just like what Wang Ran said. Indeed, she was the one with good taste and picked the best one with just one glance.

“Yaya, big brother Wang doesn’t have any bad intentions. It’s just that this young man really looks very sick. Furthermore, big brother Wang meant well; you’re still young and you can’t simply fall for someone who’s good looking and have feelings towards.” Xia Cai advised Zhao Ya and appeared like a big sister who seriously cared.

Zhang Li couldn’t stand Xia Cai’s actions. She frowned and disagreed. “Xia Cai, that’s enough. We don’t care what you think but don’t instill your beliefs on others.”

She didn’t believe that such a wonderful young man would have a short life like what Wang Ran said. Such a gentle and pure young man wouldn’t be so unlucky – this was her intuition.

Zhao Ya had always looked down on Zhang Li, but right now, she was on the same side as her. As for Xia Cai, Zhao Ya simply didn’t want to put on an act anymore and glanced coldly at Xia Cai. “I don’t need you to worry about me. I know what I’m doing.”


Chapter 89: Sharp-tongued

Zhao Ya knew exactly what Xia Cai was thinking – she had her eyes on the captain and wanted to have a good life. Zhao Ya hated Xia Cai’s pretense.

Usually, she didn’t really care, but right now she was using it on her Prince Charming.

Being rejected by Zhao Ya, Xia Cai’s expression turned nasty, but when recalled that Yun Huan was still here, she suppressed her anger from exploding and continued persuading Zhao Ya.

- Chapter 11

“Yaya, I am really saying this for your own good. Why don’t you understand? This person is sick and if he can’t be cured, he will drag others down. If it were me, I would have silently left on my own.” Xia Cai looked like she was wronged as she looked at Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya was shedding all pretense of cordiality with Xia Cai right now. She looked coldly at Xia Cai. “I don’t need you to think for me, thank you.”

Yang Hao saw that Yun Huan and his team’s faces were turning gloomy and he chided Xia Cai. “Stop talking, Xia Cai.”

Then, he turned to Wang Ran and his gentlemanly temperament changed all of a sudden, revealing a tinge of seriousness. “You as well, Wang Ran. Stop talking nonsense.”

Yang Hao was the captain, after all, and had some status in the team so Xia Cai shut her mouth obediently and merely looked pitifully towards Yun Huan.

Qin Yi glanced coldly at this act. The fire in her eyes was gradually vanishing and her beautiful phoenix eyes were turning cold as the aura around her became dangerous.

She only felt that she was in a very bad mood right now and there was a housefly buzzing around her ears – it was simply annoying.

“Since you think that I’m so useless, why don’t we have a fight, huh?”

Qin Yi felt that only fighting would calm her down and this Wang Ran person had come forward himself, so obviously she had to beat him up.

Wang Ran acted as though he just heard a joke and burst out in laughter. He even held his stomach. “You actually want to fight me? A scrawny person like you wouldn’t last two beatings from me.”

Wang Ran’s eyes were filled with undisguised disdain and contempt – he could completely get rid of this weak chicken with one hand.

When Lin Qing and the rest heard what Wang Ran said, they swallowed their spit in silence and looked sympathetically at Wang Ran. This chap wasn’t just an impressive-looking but useless young man. They had seen how brutal Qin Yi was.

To be honest, they were still doubtful if their own Boss would be able to defeat this fellow.

Qin Yi had always been terrifying, but now that he was in a violent rage, he was even more terrifying.

Qin Yi scoffed in disdain and said coldly, “We’ll find out if I can defeat you or not after the fight. So, are you up for it or not? Stop prattling on. Don’t tell me that you’re afraid even before the fight, huh? You’re so tall and strong. I didn’t expect you to be a scaredy-cat. You don’t even dare to fight me. How are you going to fight the zombies, huh? You might as well let the zombies eat you up directly.”

Lin Qing and the others were dumbfounded. They had never seen Qin Yi cursing this way before. She was the same as Boss, cold, and only had a few words. They would only be more talkative with people they were familiar with.

So, when Qin Yi was in a bad mood, she would speak more. Although she was a little sharp-tongued, Lin Qing and the others thought that they were seeing a new attribute of Qin Yi.

After Wang Ran heard that, he was enraged, and he glared at Qin Yi with reddened eyes. “What did you say? You actually said that I’m afraid? Since you’re so eager to be beaten up, I shall fulfill that wish of yours.”

Qin Yi waved in annoyance. “Hurry up, hurry up. Don’t talk so much.”

Wang Ran got even angrier and directly charged over with his fists clenched. He thought that he could get rid of this scrawny Qin Yi with a few punches.

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