chapter 4 ½ "training"

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(I have no idea what to write so sorry if it sucks- and sorry I didn't update this for this long)


*Bryan's POV (as always)*

"FOUND HIM!" They tell as they drag me along- I'm so confused about everything that's going on right now- what am I supposed to do? XD "I see the king gave you new clothing?" The fire boy says- I nod and stare at them- it was awkwardly silent for a few minutes before someone started talking again-

"Anyways- introductions-" the silver one said while getting a paper out of their pockets "here's everything you need to know about us" he hands over the paper and walks away- what the heck is going on? Their acting very weird- but anyways- the list-

Love: boy, name: cupid, age: 27
Light: girl, name: angel, age: 28
Red fire, name: flame, age ??
Air: girl, name: cloud, age: 29
Nature: boy, name: leafy, age: 26
Metal: boy, name: silver, age: 28
Earth: girl, name: cris, age: 29
Lightning: boy, name: bolt, age: 25
Ice: girl, name: snow, age: 27
Shadow: boy, name: night, age: 28
Poison: girl, name: kiles, age: 27
Storm: girl, name: tornado, age: 29
Blue fire: boy, name: blue, age: 29
Water: girl, name: aqua, Age:  26

"I don't wanna say a lot but 1 my name is Bryan, not flame- and 2 I'm 27-" I note, I mean- I don't think I told them my name but still- "we don't care about official names, we go by nicknames based of our elements," kiles says while handing me a broomstick- "what am I supposed to do with this?" I mean stick? What?- who?- nevermind- I think I just figured it out-

Silver came at me with a stick in their hands and hit me on my head- "dodge idiot" he says and attacks again, I do as they say and show them some of my dodging skills- dodge the lightning bolt training from Ritchie actually worked XD

*time skip 10 min*

*bryans/flames POV*

It took blue 5 minutes to get ready before he joined in, as he joined in silver grabbed swords instead of broom sticks- I guess level up ey?- we after that trained for 5 more minutes before taking a break "see you have some experience with fighting ey?" I nodd and show them some of my sword tricks, fire sword is something lo pho learned me a while ago-

It's a spell that litteraly boosts you're sword to a higher level, like mine gets bigger and theirs flames around it, the flames hit hard so it's a pretty decent attack, they look at pretty impressed- I just play around with some of my fire after that, they didn't tell me to do anything so- I mean- better do SOMETHING am I right?

"Yo flame get over here" :^ well there gos my Break-


HEY READER! Sorry but this short and very late chapter i know ive promised to write more but ive been kinda busy with work- anc lack of inspiration- DOESNT MEAN THIS IS CONTINUED! Just wont update as often- hope you understand dear reader!

(554 words)

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