Steve Clark

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This was requested by palayes_baby_pirate sorry it took a while and I hope you enjoy it. (It's not very good just as a warning)

Steve's POV:
Another day another performance. I was getting ready in the dressing room humming along to the radio. Then I heard a knock at the door I turned down the radio and Opened the door. It was my ex and her child. "This is the last time your gonna see me steve"  then she shoved the child into me. " (random girls name) what are you doing!" She just walked away I was left with her child. "Hey little one what's your name?" They smiled at me and said "Y/N" "I that's a lovey name" y/n smiled again. "Now how old are you y/n?" She held up 5 fingers. "Five wow that's a big girls/boys age!" "Yeah I'm a big girl/boy" while I was talking to y/n I stated to see myself in them like they had the same eyes the same hair and the same nose shape. Is this my child?
(Ex's name) walks over to steve smiling.
"Steve I'm pregnant" "W-what!" "I'm pregnant" steve looks shocked. "N-no no no no you can't be pregnant!" "But steve I am and I'm keeping it and we are gonna be a big happy family" "but you can't be we used protection!" (Ex's name starts to cry) "s-steve please don't do this" "I'm sorry I can't do this I have to go" "oh so your band means more then me and my child!" "I never said that don't you dare bring my band into this!" "fine go see how much I care!" "Okay I will" steve packs his things and leaves.
End of flashback
"Steve why is there a child here?" I snapped out of my trance. "Hm what?" "I said why is there a child here" "oh my ex shoved here at me" "oh damn okay" "hey Steve what's that piece of paper stuck on their clothes?" "What paper" "this.." phill walked up to you. "Hey sweetheart" "hiya!" "My name is phill what's yours?" "My name is y/n" "that's a nice name" "y/n I'm just gonna take this paper of you and give it to Steve okay?" "Okay!" Phill took the paper a gave it to Steve.
Dear asshole,
I hate you for what you did Steve you left me with child. I had no one it was so difficult to go through everything. I wish I had never met you! You can have y/n now I don't want them they remind me to much of you. You'll never see me ever again. Goodbye
-(ex's name)

"Well that was a bit harsh..." "you don't say" "Phil can you go get the guys please I need to talk to them" "yeah sure mate I'll be back in a min"
Time skip
"Okay so guys your probably wondering why there is a child here" everyone nodded. "Well they are my child and (ex's name) had given me them saying she doesn't want them anymore so can you guys help me looks after them?" "Sure we can mate we are all here for each other no matter what" "thanks Joe thank you all of you"

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