Steve clark

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Warning ⚠️ is sad so grab your tissues and ice cream!
Requested by palayes_baby_pirate

Joe's POV-
Today was the day of Steve's funeral. A sad day for not just England but the whole world who def leppard. But it is worse for Y/N and Lorelie.
Time skip near the end of the funeral
I saw Y/N sitting on the floor next to the casket I could hear her singing a song. The song in question being Danke Schoen  by Wayne Newton.

Y/n POV-
I miss him so much. Why did he have to die. I mean I'm a 14 yeah old girl/boy and my dad is gone. I sat down next to the casket and sang the song that we both loved to dance to.
Danke schoen, darling, Danke schoen
I held his hand.
Thank you for all the joy and pain
I stroked his hair missing how he would let me style it.
Picture shows, second balcony
I would remember all the good times we shared as a family me my mum and my dad all dancing and singing together on rainy days.
Was the place we'd meet
I remember when mum told me how her and dad met.
Second seat, go Dutch treat, you were sweet
I was gonna Finnish the song but I heard someone behind me.

Joes POV-
They have such a beautiful voice. Oh shit they've seen me!

Y/n POV-
"Joe?" I couldn't really see very well because of the tears making my vision go cloudy. "Yeah it's me y/n" "oh uncle Joe I miss him" I hugged him he hugged me back. "I know sweetheart we all do but you gotta go home now your mother wants you" he kissed my head. "Can I say goodbye one more time?" Joe nodded. "Danke schoen, auf wiedersehen" I smiled one last time and kissed his forehead and went to go see my mother.

Lorelies POV-
I miss him. It was so hard to tell y/n that her/his farther was dead. I wait by the car for them.

Y/n POV-
I went up to my mum and gave her a hug crying into her chest. "Can we go home?" She kissed my head "yeah we can come on sweetheart" we got in the car a drove home.
Time skip to getting home
Mum went into her ensuite to have a shower and that so I used the main bathroom. While I was looking in the mirror trying to get rid of my tears that stained my face I swear I saw Steve in the mirror. "Dad?" Then I turned around but he wasn't their. I looked into the mirror again and he was there he started to sing the song
Danke schoen, darling, Danke schoen
I turned around and he was there
Thank you for seeing me again
He held me close.
Though we go on our separate ways
I was still crying into his chest.
Still the memory stays for always
"Y/n?" "Yes dad?" "I would like you to have this" he held up a guitar pick hanging on a necklace. "But dad that's mums!" "Yes but she would want you to have it aswell" I was shocked that he was giving me this. "I-I okay if you insist"

Steve's POV-
I was gonna miss them so much. She/ he reminds me so much of myself.

Y/n pov-
"Y/n hun I have to go now" "n-no don't go!" "I have to but you can see me again one day I promise" I gave him one last hug goodbye and then he left. I fell to the floor in tears. Once I had composed myself I got into the shower.
Time skip to after the shower
I went downstairs to see my mum and I told her about what just happened and showed her the guitar pick. She gave me the biggest hug I've ever had from her. I felt so loved and I never wanted it to end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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