Welcome AND Rules

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Welcome to The Silver Bake Awards.

I hope you will enjoy this contest.

General Rules:
1. Follow my account (you can unfollow me after the Awards are over if you wish)
2. Give this awards a public shoutout.
3. Add this book to your reading list for updates.
4. Do not participate if - incase you win- you will not use the winning sticker for even a week. It just- I'm kind of sensitive and it hurts my feelings.

Participants rules:

Apart from the general rules, you also have to follow these:

1. Your book should have at least 3 proper chapters.
2. Your book should be under 10K reads.
3. You should be polite.
4. You should follow your judges.
5. You can participate in only 2 genres but can participate in any amount of Special Categories.

Judges rules:

Apart from the general rules, you also have to follow these:
1. If you are a participant who is willing to judge, you are not permitted to judge the genres you are a participant in.
2. Be polite.
3. Be fair!!
4. You should be able to judge 5 books, and also in 2 weeks time.

Password is your least favourite subject.

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