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Jk pov

I groaned hearing my alarm go off, wish i could just marry my bed, i sat up with a jerk, rubbing my eyes slowly, i looked back at my bed, gotta leave you today, i opened my phone to check the time 06:30 perfect, i thought to myself as classes started by 7, i looked around seeing taehyung fixing his hair in front of the mirror, when did this jerk come back, my month turned into a straight line, he smiled at me from the mirror, as i looked at him boringly,

'Why do you wake up so late-' he said tauntingly, 'it's not late, i have half an hour to get ready, where i don't even need like 10 mins' i blabbered, my voice deep making me rub my neck at the soreness,

'Ok baby, but what about breakfast, don't you wanna go to the canteen and have something' he continued as he turned around looking at me, I pouted, I don't like canteens.

'I know its your second day so you won't be that accurate with your schedule-' he said nodding to himself, as he dusted his bag gently, i looked at him, 'first period' i said slowly,

;maths' he said boringly, rolling his eyes, 'mind getting me something, i'll have it in the class' i said playing around with my fingers anxious, what if he says no, like why would he even do that for me i'm a literal nobody-

'Would love to, how bout a banana?' he started, 'TAEHYUNG' i screeched my dirty mind working on its own, 'wtf you want more than a single one- wait don't tell me you are thinking bout-' he continued, 'NO' as i threw a pillow at him, he ran out of the room, as i turned around rubbing my temples,

'But like would one actually be enough?' he said as i turned around seeing him lean on the door, his cheeks glowing pink,

'One would be MORE THAN ENOUGH' i said while throwing one more pillow at him, as he ran away slamming the door, such a pain in the ass,


I pulled my hair back, as i walked threw the hallway, it was still 06:50 still got 10 mins, i entered the classroom, i noticed taehyung on the third bench, our eyes locked as he removed the banana from his bag and placed it on his desk sneakily, i walked in between his row, i placed my hand on his desk, not looking at it, this doesn't feel like a banana, i looked back seeing my hand placed on his, this jerk,

He gave me a come here look, making me lean down, as he said 'if you still feel hungry after having this banana, you can still have mine-' before he could even finish i stood up straight before smacking his hand out of the way as i grabbed the banana before making my way to my window seat,

I sat down peeling my banana, arrogant pervy cocky bastard.

_The class ended when I got a message from an unknown number?

Unknown number:

6th period is music, see you their koo~


I looked up my eyes unknowingly focused as he smirked before winking at me as he left the room, how tf did he get my number-


You know the music period would always be the best part of my day, but now i don't think I'll be able to relax in that period too, shoutout to kim taehyung.

I walked through the hallways making my way to the music room, i noticed jimin by the door, he smiled at me once he acknowledged me, keeping the door open for me, how sweet is this guy-

I walked inside looking down not wanting him to see me flustered because such a small action, i looked around just to acknowledge kim taehyung seating beside a empty window seat, he looked at me smugly before sticking a sticker on the seat beside him it said 'taehyung and jungkook' oh fixed seats too.

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