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Jk pov

I walked out of the door taehyung following behind, 'take this as a warning, if yall still have a serious and eligible problem with each other then come to me i had take the needed actions, but i would recommend the both of you to stick to each other as the changing would affect your club scores' i heard the dean say,

Scores, marks and academics why can't they just look over that stuff, i looked over taehyung as he huffed looking my way,

'You should thank me for not putting a whole ass complain about your unreasonable self' i said scoffing, yes i did not put a complaint i just told the dean about my discomfort,

'Thank you, why would i? I would have easily got rid of you but you had to act extra smart' he scoffed,

'Yea should i have acted dumb and let you drop my score that i took years building up'

'Don't you have a life out of that' he said before walking away, what an stuck up asshole,

Taehyung pov

Aish i just wanted to stay away from him, he is no where good for him, first i was ok with him thinking that he would just be a pushover but seeing his obsession with marks and score, hes just another troublemaker, i continued climbing up the staircase before reaching the top floor of the university, as i took the left door which connected to the abandoned part of the university building,

I stood close to the railings admiring the sky, how everything looked small from the top of the world how no one really cared than yourself, up here no one is being judged, the cloud floating above, the comfortable wind, the birds chirping and the orange sun, how perfect they are in their own aspects,

I sat down my back facing the railing, rummaging through my backpack,i took my ipad out as the chits from the day before flew out with it, i picked it up, as the scene with jungkook recapped through my brain,

Why is it so hard for me to control myself around that guy

I opened my ipad before surfing up about the novel connected to our project, ok as yall know i'm not that obsessed with grades but when it comes too music and the competition cant help it because losing is just not my forte.

21;00 hour. Dorm room.

I entered the dorm room with my keycard, turning on the lights, is jungkook not here yet, i thought before placing my backpack and key card on the study table, as the bathroom door clicked, diverting my attention towards it,

Speak of the devil, as jungkook stood their a towel around his neck wearing a white shirt and some shorts, his crystal white skin glistening under the light, as he walked to the bed rubbing his wet hair with the towel,

I opened my cupboard taking out my pyjamas as i heard him say,

'I'm sorry for what happened today in the dean's room, it was kinda obnoxious of me but i do wanna tell you know that my academics scores mean a lot to me' i looked back seeing him facing his feet,

'Did you just fuvking apologise?' i heard him scoff but damn did i expect that-

'Stop being an asshole taehyung, now you apologise' he started,

'For what?' I said smirking to myself as I heard him whine as he mumbled me being an asshole. I made my way to the bathroom turning back just to see him pouting, as I laughed to myself, cute.

I came out of the shower after a good 15 mins, as i say the bookworm indulged in another book duh, as he used his other hand to mindlessly dry his hair with the towel,

'Whats up' i said, making him look up 'can't you see for yourself'

I rolled my eyes, walking towards him, as I grabbed his towel from his hand, 'what are you doing sir?' he contradicted, 'sit down' said pushing him down on the matt as he did so taking his book with him, sitting on his previous seat on the bed,

i put my hands to work, using the towel to gently dry his hair, smiling when i realised the way he slowly gave in to my touch,

'Jungkook i made a research over the novel, it is in three parts meaning three books, and the author does have included that they had seduced their partner to make them stay in the relationship' i spoke,

He nodded his head, 'did you read the novel?'

'Nah found the summary on the web' he nodded again,

' i think reading the novel would be more informative, wanna see if we can can find the book in our university library' he suggested,

'We can do that, and here your hair is now fluffy, thanks to me' i said as i stood up making my way to my bed, he touched his hair, before standing up himself,

''Tomorrow after classes lets meet in the library' he said, as i 'hmm'

Before turning packing myself like a burrito in my blanket, feeling the most comfort, as i closed my eyes,

I heard the lights turn off, as I heard Jungkook say, 'you can have a civil conversation too mr. kim, kinda shocked me'

'Shut upppp'

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