Chapter 23

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When he entered school the next morning he hadn't bothered to cover up his tattoo. Unless people felt like staring at his middle finger all day there was little chance anyone would even notice since his jacket sleeved covered his wrists.

Also the tattoo artist had made it pretty clear that he was to let the tattoo heal and he figured that putting make up over it wasn't exactly letting it heal. Plus he wasn't too keen on applying makeup to his hand for the rest of his time at the school so he just threw on his uniform, put in all his piercings (he had in fact checked his phone before he went to sleep and figured there was no point in hiding them) and showed his tattoo proudly.

He knew the stigmatism against tattoos in Japan, especially in the hero society he lived in. Villains and low life criminals or gangs were generally associated with tattoos while heroes tended to be 'blemish free.' This was the reason his mentor had to cover up his tattoos and the reason why Rosinate would have to if he wanted to become a top ten hero. Personally he found the whole thing to be bullshit.

Besides he technically was a criminal, just on hiatus at the moment to complete a mission his brother had forced him into. Which he still needed to update his brother on all the information he discovered over the past couple weeks. He may respect his mentors trust in him but his family comes first. Doffy will always come above anyone else and that fact would never change.

Sometimes he wondered if he had a mental disorder to still have complete loyalty to his brother despite all the shit said brother has put him through but he reassured himself with the thought that anyone would remain loyal to their family.

Thoughts swirling in his mind he almost missed the stares of his classmates. Almost. It was kind of hard to miss when they weren't even trying to be discreet. Well to be fair he suppose he did look somewhat different with all his piercings on display and his hair tied half up half down (he took inspiration from Eren Jaeger).

He was just thankful that people were too focused on his face that they ignored the ink poking out of his jacket sleeves that he had actually worn that day in order to draw less attention to his hand than necessary.

Tattoos weren't necessarily against school policy since despite the stigmatism surrounding them, there were still some quirks which involved ink. But it would raise some questions since his quirk wasn't related to tattoos or ink in general. So he tried his best to take attention away from his tattooed hand.

He calmly sat in his desk, book in hand and trying to ignore the heavy stares around him. When the silence dragged on for a little too long he sighed under his breath and after leaning on his chairs back two legs flicked the class a bored look.


And just like that the class exploded, people started rapid firing questions, some about his piercings and some about the 'creepy old pervert' that he was with yesterday. He smirked to himself at the nickname for his mentor. Oh man Traffy would lose his shit if he were there.

He let the questions go on for a couple more minutes before he sighed once again and decided to give them a half truth. He couldn't tell them that 'pervert' he was with was actually the number five hero so he settled on something that would satisfy their questions.

"He was a family friend. And I've always had these piercings, just didn't want to draw attention."





"I'm the what?"

"Nothing don't worry about it."

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