Taylor gets her Period

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I never really understood why girls had to deal with periods every month? This was surely the cruelest punishment they could give us, I mean boys get nothing but a deeper voice. Once mum gave me THE TALK it all made sense to me, I mean I knew that girls bled every month but I never knew why, but once mum told me I didn't ask any further questions... until now.

As I walked into the kitchen for breakfast my ears completely drew themselves to the sound of Layla's annoying whining. "Mum I need the pads now I only have one LEFT!" Screamed Layla from what seemed like the top of her lungs. "look honey I will get them after I'm done rubbing Marj's back, you can just stay home for now" mum said calmly. "But I need to meet up with Kurt I promised I'd meet him before school, pleaseeee mum." Oh yea forgot mention Kurt is a new edition to Laylas list of boyfriends. "Layla darling, I really can't stop I've already started I'm sure Kurt can wait." mum said calmly once again. "Oh yeah, it's bad luck to stop a message right in the middle" Whispered Marj. "UGH! You guys suck!" Bursted Layla running to her door slamming it shut.

After that incident I took the bus to school and met up with hector, surely he had some answers about periods. "Hey hector, when do periods normally start?" I asked in curiosity. "Woah, woah Taylor you can't talk about that with me" hector said in panic. "Why not? We talk to each other about everything" "because I'm a boy!" "So?" "This is girl talk, I'm obviously not a girl, plus how would I know I don't even have to go through it" "I don't know? Maybe because you know everything." "Not that Taylor, that's girl stuff ask Brittany? Anyways gotta go to class Bye!" "B-but hector come back!"

Ugh, I guess this means I'm gonna have to talk to Brittany about it. I was looking around for Brittany when the bell rang. This was perfect! I couldn't find her anywhere, surely I'd see her in class. "Can anyone tell me anything about the history of the making of the modern world?" Asked Miss Clarke in the very depth of my brain. "Taylor, Taylor?" Her squeaky voice had got me out of my thoughts and I had found Miss Clarke's rather big eyes staring at me "uhm yes?" "You should probably pay attention as we're starting a new topic this year." She said, but like I was bothered to listen. I felt kinda weird during history I didn't know how to explain it but it was something to do with my body, my stomach started to ache really badly. "Pssst Taylor, your um bleeding." Whispered Brittany from behind. "Am I really? Oh my god! I can't be, I-I've never had my period before!" "It's ok I'll walk behind you to cover it, let's ask Miss if we can go to bathroom I have some spare pads in my bag." I couldn't think, my brain was freaking out, was this really happening to me, AT SCHOOL!!! It can't be? Maybe this is all just a dream. This was gonna be the most embarrassing event in my high school career and cmon in front of Brittany? The coolest girl in school, UGH! This can't be happening to me. "Hey Miss can we go to the bathroom? Taylor's experiencing her first period" Brittany whispered "oh my, sure thing girls" Miss Clarke replied with.

"Why would you tell her I got my period?" I asked "trust me she wouldn't of let both of us go if I didn't." Replied Brittany. Brittany was surprisingly a really big help, much more than Hector was. "Um thanks for the help" "oh it's ok we all go through it, no big deal" she said while applying her new passion peach lip gloss on. Sometimes I wish I was as perfect as her I mean she knew exactly what to do. "So you've gotten your period already?" I asked "Oh for sure when I was like 12 I think" "12! No way that was like 2 years ago!" "yea you'll get used to it soon, oh and you should probably call your mum" "call my mum? why on earth would I do that?" "So you can get out of class obviously" See she's so cool, the way that she can just thought of that. "Oh yea good idea."

After calling mum we headed back to class. Everything seemed back to the way it was before, when all of a sudden... "TAYLORRRR!!!! Oh my god honey I heard you got your period, I'm so sorry I took so long to get here, I brought you a packet of pads honey don't worry we'll sort this out at home." Said mum IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS, THE WHOLE CLASS!!! Everyone was starring at me, either laughing or whispering, I think I was gonna die of embarrassment. Once I got home I sank my head into my pillow, this was the most embarrassing day of my life, even dads underwear posters couldn't compare to the disaster that happened today, and what was worst is that mum couldn't stop telling me everything I needed to know, I mean sure it was helpful but I just didn't wanna hear the sound of her voice.

I needed to get away fast. I ended up meeting Hector at the beach. "It was so bad Hector you should've seen" I said in fury "kinda happy I didn't" replied Hector "Hector I'm glad you didn't see it actually, you'd probably stop being my friend" "stop being your friend? Cmon Taylor, your way too perfect for me to stop being your friend" "perfect?" "I-I didn't mean" "chill your the only one that thinks so" I said as I chuckled. I mean Hector was the only person who got me, even though he didn't get this stuff, it was good to know he had my back. "Oh by the way did your voice just crack?" I said in laughter "what n-o!" He replied with a slight crack "Yes it did!" "Say a word and I will chase you down the beach" "I dare you to try, I bet you couldn't even pass a quarter of the way" "yes I can! Ready or not here I come" "O-oh I didn't mean now! Hector you got a head start! That's not fair!" "You never said anything about that" we said running as fast as we could.

Then reality struck, I was home and it was dinner time. I was gonna have to face my whole family. "Did you know Taylor got her Period today?" Mum blurted out "no way my little squirt is really growing up, it's ok sweetie even though I'm your dad you can talk To me about it" dad said, but like I was gonna talk to anyone on this table about my period issues. "Oh my god no way! Taylor got her period? Haha Taylor got her period!" Said Layla as I starred at her with my devilish eyes. "Layla dear, could you at least be more supportive of your sister?" mum said "uhm you wish" she replied. "So how was it?" asked Dad "how was what?" I replied with. "Your period?" "Oh dad please no, not here." I can't believe he was asking me here with Layla! "yea Taylor baby how was your first period?" Layla said pouting her lips at me, and from there they wouldn't shut up! Whether it was mum or dad asking "how was it?" Or "am I ok" like of course I am! Its not that big of a deal, and it didn't help that Layla was bullying me about it. Finally I ran straight to my bedroom and locked the door. "Taylor dear where are you going?" asked mum "probably crying under her sheets" chuckles Layla as I scream I wasn't!

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