Chapter 13

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Alex's POV

The doorknob started to turn, so I thought fast and pushed Landon to the side so I was over him. His eyes widened, and when the door opened I hooked my legs around his to make him roll over me. I mouthed 'wrestling' to him and he nodded. His mom, who was at the door, didn't say anything before walking away.

We stopped rolling around, so I was straddling Landon again. We had made it to the middle of the floor, but I just leaned forward so I was laying on his chest.

"Your mom is kind of scary." I said quietly. I played with one of the strings on his sweatshirt and rested my ear over his heart.

"I know." He grunted and ran his fingers through my hair. I sighed and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his short nails gently scratching against my scalp as he moved his fingers.

"What kind of drugs does she do?" I asked moving my hand to his so we could interlock fingers.

"I don't even know anymore. She's done crack, meth, Molly, oxy, and a bunch of other shit she doesn't tell me." He gently squeezed my hand as he said this. I straightened my legs so they were between his and in a more comfortable position. I let out another sigh, starting to feel a little tired. I knew I should tell him so he could bring me home, but I didn't want to move. He was nice and warm, and hard and soft at the same time. He was like a perfect bed and pillow.

"Hey Landon?" I asked quietly again.
"Yeah?" He ran his hand flat against my head.

"I know we've only been dating for a couple of days, but neither of my parents are going to be home until tomorrow afternoon, and you're really comfortable to lay on right now..."

"So you want to stay over?" He finished for me so I would stop rambling.

"Yes." I nodded my head quickly. "If it's okay, I understand why it wouldn't be and-"

"Stop worrying Alex, you can stay over and sleep just like this anytime you want." He said smiling down at me. "Only thing is, you're going to have to wear some of my clothes to school tomorrow." I frowned at that.

"I'm smaller than you."

"We can make it work." He said and slowly started sitting up. I groaned in protest, not wanting to move but he kissed me which instantly shut me up.

  "I'm sorry, but I have to go take a smoke." He said reaching over to his nightstand and grabbing the pack of Marlboros sitting there. I looked at him and saw he was looking a little pale. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him softly. I didn't like how not smoking affected him. He looked so much worse so quickly.

  "I'll lock the door and you can just stay in here." He tried, but I shook my head.

  "I'll go with you." I stood up and pulled him with me.

  "You sure?" He asked and I nodded. He thought for a minute while staring at me. "Do you want to go on a walk?" I smiled a little nervously.

  "No offense, but are going to get mugged or something?" I asked. He smiled and went over to his closet.

  "No, you'll be fine. As long as you dress like a kid from the south side." He said. I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing my swim sweatshirt. I looked up and he threw me a blue Budweiser shirt.

  "How are my pants?" I asked pointing to my running pants.

  "They're fine. It's dark anyways. Do you want a sweatshirt instead?" He asked. I shook my head so he just shrugged and pulled his sweatshirt over his head, leaving him shirtless. And me making sure I'm not drooling. Is he really my boyfriend? Am I just dreaming, cause I'd be really disappointed if I was. He started digging around and pulled out a shirt.

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