Chapter 28

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Landon POV
All I saw was black. I could hear beeping around me and people moving around, but couldn't see anything. My eyes felt like they were stuck shut. I felt something warm coursing through my veins while the rest of my body still felt extremely cold. I tried moving my fingers only to feel an excruciating amount of pain. I sucked in a breath and heard a gasp. Someone grabbed my hand gently.

"Baby you're ok. You're safe now." I tried to talk but it came out as a mumble. "What was that?" He asked. I cleared my throat and it felt like someone stuffed cotton balls in my mouth.
"Water." I managed to get out. I let go of Alex's hand and slowly reached for the back of his head. I pulled him closer and puckered my lips so he would get the idea. I felt his lips against mine and smiled.

"I love you Landon." He whispered.

"I love you too Alex." I somehow got out.

"Alright how are things going in here? Is he awake?" A new and unknown voice asked.

"He just woke up a few minutes ago. Is there any way he can have water?" Alex asked.

"Yes. I'll just take this tape off for him first." The man said before pulling something off from over my eyes. "Try to open your eyes Landon." I slowly opened my eyes but squeezed them shut. The lights were like the sun. I slowly opened them again to let my eyes adjust. I looked to my side and saw my beautiful Alex. I didn't ever want to take my eyes off of him again. He looked like he had been on an emotional rollercoaster. I could tell just from his eyes that he had felt pain, worry, anxiety, stress, relief, and happiness all in a short amount of time. I lifted my hand to rub my thumb along his cheek. He let a soft smile slip through and put his hand on my chest.

"I'll get you that water." The doctor said quietly and left without either of us looking towards him.

"I thought I was going to lose you." Alex whispered. I winced at that thought and pulled him down for another kiss.

"Never." I whispered back and he leaned his forehead against mine. We sat in silence for a little while until the doctor came back.

"Alright here's some water, and I think you need some more fluids." He said handing me a styrofoam cup before going over to a bag of what looked like water, attached to a tube, which went into my arm. That explains the warm feeling running through my body.

"How long have I been here? I asked feeling confused. "And how did I get here?"

"Plows were able to get through one lane and ambulances were following to rescue people. You got here last night. It's about noon now."

"What about my car?" I groaned.

"The police said they would be moving them to a lot where you can claim them with I.D."

"Thank God." I mumbled.

"Your sister is in the waiting room. Are you ok with me leaving to get her?" Alex asked. I nodded and puckered my lips for a kiss. He gave me a long kiss before pulling away and smiling.

"I love you." He said in the most sincere voice I've ever heard.

"I love you more." I replied with a smirk. He rolled his eyes and left the room. I let out a sigh and looked myself over. I had a lot of tubes in my arm and fluids running into me. There was a pile of like ten blankets on me but I still felt a little cold. Everything moved fine. I didn't really have any aches or pains.

All of a sudden the door burst open and Callie came running in.

"Landon!" She yelled and threw her arms around me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her as she laid on the bed with me. I felt a wetness on my shoulder as she started to cry. I soothingly rubbed her back.

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