Chapter I

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Hey guys before I start I gotta say a few things
1. I'll say this loud and clear once in the beginning: The characters, settings, and other important factors (such as the fact that they are demigods) does not belong to me. Those things belong to the one only Rick Riordan.
2. I've never written fanfiction before so don't hate me if it's bad (which it will be)
3. Please please please give me feedback. I want to make this as good as possible. So comment and tell me what you think. Or just comment to say hi (I don't bite)
So now that that stuff is out of the way... Enjoy!



Within the few minutes we had been fighting the sky turned such a deep red color that it boiled my insides. As we ran, monster after monster got in our way, using up time we didn't have. I could feel myself struggling to kill monsters, even ones I know my 12 year old self could have better dealt with.

The problem was every movement of mine was equally paired with a tug from the earth, tripping me or just generally messing me up. Gaea was not making this easy.

But besides the quicksand feeling, I was also holding myself back, or rather, my body was. Being in Tartarus affected both me and Annabeth a lot. Besides for the fact that I couldn't even say the name of that place without loosing it, I could feel the physical affects too. I was out of breath easily, my movements were slow, and I was less battle orientated than I used to be. But worst of all, I could see Annabeth having the same problems.

Gods what wouldn't I do to take the pain away from her. Every time I wiped a tear away from her cheek, I tried to imagine I was wiping all her pain away. But a new tear would always replace the old one. As I fought through the sea of monsters (Not the literal sea of monsters of course, just a metaphorical one), I watched Annabeth out of the corner of my eye to make sure she was holding her own. I was always relieved to see my wise girl was doing okay.

I looked around at the rest of the seven to make sure they were alive too, which, thank the Gods, they were. Actually, at that point I wasn't really in a "thanking the Gods" mood considering they had been absolutely no help on our quest. I could only hope that somehow the Gods would gather their bearings enough to help us with the giants, or else we were all doomed.

The monsters were only a pre fight. I knew that soon the giants would come and that would be the real test. I never was very good at tests. I usually got some lovely D's and F's on every report card, so that couldn't be a good sign. However, our most important task was TO NOT spill any of our blood, which would awaken Gaea.

After I finished off a particularly hard to kill hydra and went to move on to the next monster, I stopped in my tracks. Where'd all the monsters go? I looked around and shared puzzled glances with my friends, who were also suddenly lacking monsters to kill. And then, seeming to appear out of the ground itself, came the giants. Immediately we all attacked but there was a big problem: Giants can't be destroyed without the help of the Gods.

We charged anyhow. Just as we were loosing hope that they would never show up, a lightning bolt came crashing down and hit the giant Jason was fighting. The Gods had finally broken out of their Greek/Roman struggle and were here to help. Now we had hope.

I worked side by side with Poseidon to attack Polybotes, the giant created to destroy my dad. I slashed at the giant with riptide while Poseidon created a hurricane of water around Polybotes. In between hits my father would cast me a lopsided grin, the same one that I too was so famous for.

At that moment it was as if the rest of the world didn't exist. Every sense of mine zeroed in to the task at hand. Me, my dad, and the giant were in a world of our own and I knew that one wrong move would cost my life.

I could feel Polybotes slowing down, loosing his strength. Seeing him struggle in turn gave me extra strength and I created a huge wave, rose to his head, and stabbed him in his shoulder. Polybotes yelped in pain but still fought back. I continued to parry strikes from him when suddenly I heard an urgent scream.

Annabeth's scream.

As I turned my head in desperate panic the fates took out their pair of scissors.

Hope that didn't suck too horribly. I'll update within the next few days :)

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