Chapter 6

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Errors POV I woke up to the sound of talking and bright lights I opened my eyes and saw the glass and on the other side of that glass was at least 50 humans and maybe 30 monsters I looked around in panic but once I noticed nightmare laying right beside me I calmed down just a little he looked at me worry clear in his eyes then said (nightmare) I'm going to go try and scare them away okay so just stay here and try not to panic) I did as told and nightmare got up and stretched his large wings then all of a sudden all the humans and monsters dropped their phones and there expression was one of confusion almost as if they were in a trance nightmare folded his wings back and walked towards the glass the confusion seemed to wear off and they all started picking up what they had dropped I watched as nightmare let's out a low growl his tail swinging threateningly he made it up to the glass and jumped up putting his claws on the glass and let out a loud threatening roar like screech the most of the humans and monsters ran away except for a few young ones like kids and teenagers surprisingly, one of the teenagers who was a human with longish dark grey brown hair and white streak in it came up to the glass and said (you don't like it in here do you) nightmare growled in annoyance (but guess what I noticed you have some injuries and this is a rehabilitation animal hospital so you won't be here for vary long) nightmare got his claws off the glass and was now standing in a normal dragon manner a glare still in his gaze but it softened just a little bit at the girls sweet gaze he turned around and I looked at him happily thanking him for scaring them away he was about to sit down when all of a sudden I felt some mild pain in my stomach and flinched nightmare looked at me in worry and confusion he asked if I was okay and I was about to say yes but then it happened again but this time longer and then I had a gut feeling (he he get it) and looked at nightmare panic clear on my face and said (error) the babies are coming) nightmares face turned to one of panic his tail swinging faster in an excited but frantic matter then he said (nightmare) well shit

Inks POV I looked towards the hall when I saw some humans and monsters coming towards me I panicked a little not being the best with large crowds one stuck up looking man said (you need to control those beasts! They scared my child) the man and a lot of other humans and monsters were glaring at me and if glares could kill I would be vary dead right now I said sorry to the man and told him I can't control wild animals he scowled at me and left I got more complaints but I dealt with them most of the humans and monsters left leaving just younger teens and some parents there I sighed in relief knowing I wouldn't be yelled at I walked towards where the dragons were and looked into the glass the black winged dragon looked at me he looked panicked I looked at the female and she looked awkward like she was vary uncomfortable but not just uncomfortable mentally but physically to the people and monsters seemed to notice and asked me I told them that it would probably be best to leave so they did I took my phone out of my pocket and called Dream I told him the matter and he came quickly with Robin and blue Robin looked at the dragons through the glass since she's our doctor she'll be able to tell what's going on Robin looked at the dragon carefully then she looked back at us and told us to leave and close of the hall down to the dragons we did as told and then looked at her waiting for the answer she looked at us confused then Dream asked about the dragon a look of embarrassment and realization made it's way onto her face  she then started talking (Robin) so um well the dragons acting like that because she's well laying eggs... (!!!!) we all looked at Robin in disbelief she had I happy expression on her face then Dream spoke up saying (Dream) whatever happens we can't tell our boss I mean we've already established that he illegally got that dragon so who knows what he'll do to babies!) we all looked at Dream nodding our heads in agreement (blue) now what?

Nightmares POV error had finished having her eggs she ended up having 4 in total she fell asleep soon after exhausted so I burred the eggs in the dirt to incubate now all we have to do is wait depending on the species the eggs can take up to 2 months or 24 hours but because of the colour of the eggs I'm guessing they're closer to sea dragons then flower dragons I sighed laying my head down and closing my eyes it's been a long day and we're both tired I waited as I slowly drifted of to sleep welcoming the darkness

???) B-boss I have some information

... go on tell me before I feed you to a dragon!

W-well you know how there has been a rumour that an animal rehabilitation centre has two dragons

Yes I'm aware

Well it's true and one of them is a devils sea dragon boss and apparently it's rather large

...interesting we go in a few days to retrieve them got it

Yes b-boss

??? POV I walked out of the rehab centre and walked down the street ducking into an ally way I stopped seeing a dead crow and a few others mourning for there friend I crouched down in pity and reached my hand out green light started to surround the dead avian and time acted as if it stopped them in a flash of glowing green light the dead crow was now standing it hopped a little in confusion turning its head to look at me I noticed part of its face missing you could see the bone underneath and it was dripping blue blood but the bird didn't seem to notice or be in any sort of pain I sighed happily as the bird flew off with its friends I got back up and put up my hood walking towards the now dark forest ahead any normal person would run with their tail between their legs if they were in this forest because it's filled or it was filled to the brim with magical beasts called dragons but there numbers have been decreasing fast sadly I turned my head seeing a pair of glowing fierce eyes staring at me I smiled in joy a large beast came out to greet me it's orange blood dripping onto the ground and it's glowing wounds were nothing to it I mean that's what necromancy does to a thing that was once dead

Errors POV I woke up feeling much better I looked over towards nightmare and poked his nose with my claw he sneezed waking up to look at me I then asked him about the eggs and he told me what he did I sighed in relief and looked around seeing it is night and it's silent I then said (error) so how long have I been asleep) nightmares response was (almost two days) I looked at him in disbelief I was about to say something but something caught my attention I little squeak then another and another I looked at nightmare and he looked at me we both knew exactly what that noise was we both hopped to our feet and started digging

......................................................................................................... sorry for the long wait but hears another chapter I've just been caught up with another fandom so I haven't been as interested in undertale recently in fact  I think the only reason I'm actually motivated to do this is because I've spent so much time on it and it's so much different from the original au that I don't really consider it undertale if that makes any sense and it's more about dragons and I'm obsessed with dragons so you know but umm that's my blabbering anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good night

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