You're My Twenties - Dino (6)

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"Ya! You bitch if you lay a finger
on my husband, you will be
dead when I find you."

You hung up the phone quickly and dialled his secretary and got the address of the bar from her. You quickly drove to the placeand entered into the empty bar. It was all empty and you were soon noticed by the bartender.

"Sorry Ma'am. We are closed now."

"No. I came here to look for him.", you said showing him his picture in your phone.

"May I know your relationship?"

"He is my husband."

"Please this way Ma'am. Mr Lee Chan is in one of our hotel rooms.", he escorted you to a hotel room handing you the room hand and bowed to leave.

You sighed taking a deep breath before turning the knob letting yourself in. The room was reeking of strong alcoholic smell and you didn't really like it. You have a sensitive nose and the smell was almost making you nauseous. You somehow tried to control yourself and walked towards the bed.

The lights were dim so you weren't able to recognize the face clearly but it was really clear when moved a little closer.

"Sunbae..." (not Jimin, the ex female employee of Chan)

"Oh Lee Y/N. Does it feel good to see your husband with me? On bed? Naked? Having sex?"

Her every single word was bringing the psycho in you out. You smirked at her words and then it turned into a slight groan. Walking closer, you took the wine bottle on the side table hitting it hardly on her head. The bottle broke as soon as it hit her head making her head bleed.

"Ya! Michinyeon", she cursed at you. (translation: crazy bitch)

"Didn't you just ask me how I am feeling right now? Isn't it rude to not answer when your senior asks you a question... I don't think I did anything wrong... Did I?"

"You're really crazy. Only if everyone could see what you really are-"

You snapped a picture of her from her phone.

"I think I should show everyone this instead."


"Dont you dare raise your voice at me! Else you know one click and you will be the hot topic in the whole alumni. Ah right! I should send it to juniors too. Why only alumni have all the fun?", you threatened her.

"No! Please don't. I beg you. Please Y/N."

"Chan was so lenient on you that day. But I didn't forget what you did. You have no idea how good I am at holding grudges. You just brought this to yourself. Now suffer...", you said grabbing her hair.

"No please. I beg you. I didn't do anything with your husband. He is just too drunk and thought I was you. I purposely called you from his phone to make you feel jealous..."

"So what?", you said coldly.


You threw the phone back at her since you weren't planning to post it anyway. She quickly deleted her pictures from the phone, sighing in relief. But you weren't over yet. You picked her bra, turning her back, you tied her hands.

"Ya! What are you doing? "

"Something you deserve.", you said tying her hands to the window.

You collected all her clothes at a place, burning them using the candle on the side.

"Ya! What am I going to wear?"

"Not my problem.", you shrugged and stuffed her mouth with tissues.

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