Chapter 3

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Galaxy POV

Dream, as I now knew him, was rather tall. He towered over my 5'5 ass. "Okay. So now that we introduced ourselves, I have a question. Where am I?" Dream shoved his hand into his pocket before answering my question. "This is the Dream SMP. It's basically my country." "Your country?" I looked around at all of the buildings. In the distance I could see a large wall. "I know I'm going off on a limb here, but I'm guessing that's not a part of the Dream SMP. So what's that over there?" I asked, pointing at the large wall. Dream turned to look over at where I was pointing. How he could see through that mask I had no idea. "That?" He asked, to confirm what I was looking at. "Yeah. What's that" Dream started chuckling. "That place? That's L'Manchildburg."

"L'Manchildburg?" I tilted my head in confusion. I'd never heard of a place with a name like that before. Also, who in the world would name a place L'Manchildburg?? That sounds kinda stupid. But as Dream was about to continue talking, he was interrupted by someone running up to us. The guy (as far as i could tell they were a guy but I don't like to assume) running up to us wore a pair of jeans and a light blue shirt. On his head he sported a pair of white rimmed glasses. "Dream!" The guy called over to us. "Oh hey George" So Dream knows him. George glances over at me before turning back to Dream. "Who's this?" You could've asked me that yourself!!!

I looked at George again, but this time I noticed something else. George, like me, has heterochromia. One of his eyes is brown and the other is a bright blue. "This is Galaxy." Dream told him. "Galaxy, this is one of my best friends, George Not Found. But you can just call him George. Everyone does." George looked over to me and held out his hand. "Hello Galaxy. It's nice to meet you." Now that I was actually paying attention to the things around besides his beautiful eyes I noticed that he had a British accent. "adorable". "Huh? What'd you say?" George asked. "Oh uh nothing. It's nothing" I said that out loud?!?! (oof on the cliches am i right)

"Anyways" I said very subtly, changing the subject. "Can you continue with your explanation, Dream?" "Huh? Oh yeah. It's not really called L'Manchildburg. We just call it that to make fun of the TODDLERS that are trying to leave us. It's actually called. L'Manburg" O-kay then... Dream got a little scary there. "Oh. Well why'd they secede?" I asked. George looked between Dream and I. Then he looked back at me. "Okay I couldn't really tell before but I sorta can, now that I heard you speak more. Galaxy? Are you British? You do have a slight accent.

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