Intro to Music Theory

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When they finally got to class, they were a little early. Agatha opened the door to see an older woman with silver hair and a turquoise dress. She looked up and smiled at them. Agatha turned to see Hester and Anadil glowering, a sharp contrast to Dot's happy face.

"Hi Professor Dovey, this is Agatha. She's new."

"I can see. Thank you Dot, for helping her get to class. Agatha, can I see you for a moment? You can let your friends go sit down," she said, gesturing for Agatha to come over to her desk. Agatha hesitated and glanced at Dot, who gave her an encouraging wave. The other three girls went to the back and sat down, Hester and Anadil whispering to each other quietly. Agatha turned back to Professor Dovey, who was smiling expectantly at her.

"Candy, dear?" she said, gesturing to the bowl on her desk.

"Oh, ah. Sure,"she grabbed a piece. "Thank you, Professor."

"How are you feeling, Agatha? First days can be hard sometimes."

Agatha stared at her, swallowed her candy, and grabbed another before answering.

"I'm fine."

"Okay, that's good. You can come to me if you ever have a problem."

"Um, thank you."

"All right, class will start soon. Why don't you take a seat?"

Agatha stood up and quickly grabbed another handful of candy before turning to walk to the back of the classroom. Hester had her boots propped up on the desk, leaning back in her chair and it looked like she was etching something rude onto the surface. Anadil was giving her feedback on whatever it was that Hester was writing. Hester glanced back at her, seemed to think, nodded shortly and went back to defacing school property. Agatha raised an eyebrow and plopped down in the seat next to Dot. Hester turned to look at Agatha.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing, I think she just wanted to welcome me or something." She shrugged and started unpacking her bag while other students sat down around her. Dot was looking at her notebook, Hester and Anadil were whispering and pointing at the other students. When Agatha heard a loud snort from Hester, she looked up to see that Sophie and her group had walked in and taken up the front row. Sophie was in the middle with another blonde haired girl on one side and brunette on the other. The weasel-faced boy was sitting behind her, clearly trying to get her attention but failing.

Agatha pointed at him and asked, "who's that?"

Anadil and Dot turned to look at her, but Hester was still glaring at the group in the front.

"You don't know? That's Sophie, she was new last year and she already has everyone under her control. She doesn't like us very much," Hester sneered.

"Well, we don't like her either," said Anadil, side-eyeing the group.

"Oh, um, yeah, I already know who she is. I was talking about weasel-face behind her."

"That's Hort, we used to be friends with him," said Dot.

"But then he became obsessed with Sophie, so we ditched him."

"More like he ditched us, but whatever."

Just then, Sophie turned around and caught sight of Agatha. Her eyes widened and she quickly stood up, whispered something to the girls next to her, and walked to the back of the classroom.

"Agatha, darling. I was wondering where you wandered off to. Why don't you come sit with me? You don't have to sit with...them."

Hester snorted again, but Anadil was the one who answered.

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