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Walking out behind Elizabeth, I put an earphone in my ear and half listen to what my sister's saying. With occasional nodding, I take a minute to look at her. The blue eyes and blond hair could easily be stereotyped as a bitchy cheerleader, which she can be, but she actually is a very kind person. She does cheer the football team and she may be a very, very popular girl, but all in all, she's a good person.

We parted ways when we arrived at school with a casual good bye.

I make my way to my locker with the shoves from rushing people or just mean ones who enjoy pushing me. You see, they see me as a weird, low life nerd, which I am not because, frankly, I have bad grades. They think I'm on some sort of depressing drug because I don't talk and it looks like I'm always somewhere else in my thoughts. It's very rare that you'll see me talk to someone if I'm not obligated to or if it's my family.

I arrived in my class before the others so no stares would be directed towards me, and made my way towards the seat next to the window to the far back of the class. The teacher gives me a nod and gets back to writing on the board. Students slowly start filling the class room loudly talking and laughing, certainly talking about the big party that was given this weekend. My sister went with her other cheerleader friends while I stayed at home watching Finding Nemo with my brother. From what I'm hearing by the two guys in front of me, the party was epic.

When the last bell rings, the teacher shuts the door and starts teaching. That's my cue to rest my head on my desk and not listen, but it doesn't last long because the door is shoved open by a tall guy who looks like he's lost and a little out of breath.

"May I know who you are and why you are barging in my class?" Mr. Sallow says annoyed. The guy takes a deep breath, ignoring what he said, before speaking.

"Is this calculus with Mr. Sallow?" The teacher nods and looks at a sheet on his desk.

"You're the new kid right? Mr. Parker?" the guy nods his head slowly looking around the room. "Well you can go take a seat next to Ms. Smith in the back over there." He points towards the seat next to mine and Mr. Parker makes his way with a smile on his face.

No wonder he's new to be having a smile while walking in my direction. His eyes are brown and the blond hair he has is short and messy, but not messy, messy, the kind of "I made it messy." For sure he was popular with the ladies at his old school; everyone must know that just by looking at him. It's simple, he's attractive. He'll fit perfectly with the popular people.

"Have fun "talking" to her." A girl says in the front of the class and everyone starts laughing except me and new kid.

"Ha, ha... So funny Barbie", I think while putting my head back down on my desk. I have time to see the smile on Parker's face fade away and be replaced by a curious frown.

Mr. Sallow tells the class to quiet down so he can start teaching math again.

"Hey" New kid whispers.

"Hey" He repeats. I turn my head towards him with no emotions displayed on my face.

"Can he get more annoying..." I think.

"I'm Noah Parker" he waits and I do the same thing. "Would it be rude to ask for your name?"

"Would it be rude to ask you to shut up?" I go back to resting on my desk and trying to ignore what the guy next of me is saying.

"Dude, she'll never talk, she's like mute or something. She's a little fucked up."

I feel my face boil. "He can't affect me".

"It never hurts to try." That was the cue I should have took to ask the teacher to change my place but that works better if you actually open your mouth which isn't my case. For the rest of the class he tells me about him and tries to get me to do the same. When the bell rings he follows me to my locker and I am having more stares than usual. For sure anyone being followed by a hot guy would have the attention, but jealous, mean and hateful looks aren't the ones I like the most. I am annoyed with him but kind of amused and happy that someone is actually talking to me.

"Come on! If I give you a piece of paper and a pen, will you at least write to me?" I laugh at that, I can't help myself. That brings a smile to his face.

"Ah, there you go, I have to make you laugh if I want sound to leave your mouth. That's good to know now! See you later!" he starts to walk away but stops when he hears something that surprises me more than him. He turns around and smirks at me with a satisfied look. "Nice to meet you!"

I put my hand over my mouth. I just talked to somebody other than my family.

It's just four words but...

I think the crowd that formed around us is as surprised by my action as me. They're screaming "the freak just talked" in their heads

Four simple words, just so I could say:

"My name is Rose."


I'll be restarting to update this summer because of vacation and I hope it'll be more often.
If you see any errors or stuff that just don't work tell me, so I can change it.
If you'd vote comment and follow it would mean the world to me!
Thanks a lot in advance!


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