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I haven't been here sorry been busy with family stuff... anywayyyy here is chapter two of my first story enjoy. By the way the people i metion in this are actual Youtubers so check them out.

Felix - Prov

I took a seat next to cry and he didnt look at me. He carried on looking forward. I gave him a quick glance. But look forward stright after. This class is boringgggggg.

Crys - Prov

When he sat next to me i swolloed. Hope he didnt notice. As he sat next to me i felt his gaze on me. I looked over a bit but he didnt notice because f the mask. He looked at the front and sighed.

20 minutes later ( still crys prov )

I didnt want to do anything but......... he was asleep! He snores as well. Arrggggg i actually want to learn surpise surpise. We have those seats that go up that you see in movies. I looked over to him. He looked so peaceful. His chest slightly raising and falling. His lashes that were black and long. His sandy blond hair that fell to the side. He smiled in his sleep. It made me laugh a bit. Wonder what he was dreaming up. He breathed out a bit.


Huh, what was he about to say.


Miss shouted out my name.

"Y-yes m-miss"

"Wake Felix up now"
"Y-yes miss"

I quickly said. The teacher carried on teaching as i poked Felixs cheek.


I whispered. A bit. He jumped and looked around. I thought it was quite funny, he looked like a meerkat. Once he realised what happend his face went red.

"What the hell man... i-i-i was sleeping fine"

He said and looked away... cute .... wait what i did not just say thay.

"Errrrm... s-s-sorry t-the te-teacher said t-to wake you"

I feel so akward talking to him. He tutted and looked away.

"Your cute when you stutter"

Huh, d-d-d-did i here right. I heard a mutter but i must of miss heard it. I felt my face heat up though.

Felixs - Prov

I think i said something a bit to loud. I said he was cute. But i dont think he heard me. I sighed but i saw his ears go red. Yep... he definitely heard me. He is even cuter when he get teases. I smiled a bit this is going to be fun.

"Did you hear what i said"

I whispered in his ear. I smiled a bit because he stiffened and looked at me.

"H-huh wa-wh-what yo-you m-m-mean?"

He is so cute but i want to see his face

"Why do you wear that mask"

He lost his breath and turned the other way

" i need it "

Thats all he said. He got a bit serious and realised i couldn't say anything after that. The tension was to akward now. I sighed and closed my eyes to rest them.

Skipping two classes so they have had maths and re. Its break.

Felixs - Prov

So this is a good time to hang around with my group. Oh yeah i haven't told you have i. When i got my time table and that he knocked into a girl named Marzia and we talked for a while and she interdrused me to here friends. I have met Anthony, Ian , a boy i dont no he name of but we call him Roomie and a boy called domic


Anthony was a cool kid. He had jet black hair and was quite tall and he had black eyes too. He was thin as well but he was quite fit. I new he had abs. He had a thin face but he looked good. He was wearing a white top, black jeans and a black jacket. He had a black, blue and white bag. He looked like a fuuny kid.


Ian was okay he hanged around with Anthony a lot i could tell he liked him ( but thats for a other story mabye ). He was a funny kid he did make me laugh. He was small for his age. He had a bowl haircut. But he suited it. Only a few people suit it i think. He was cute. His eyes were bright blue. Thay remined me of cry.... never mind that. He wore a striped buttoned up top and blue jeans. His shoes we convers. Red!


Roomie was amazing i could tell he was a good friend. Everyone told me his wish was to be a singer or a song-writer. He was swedish to, same as me. He was average height. His hair stuck up wih jell. He wore a black hoodie, blue jeans and a white top. His shoes were white and black.


Domic was from canada. I dont no what to say about him..... he likes to draw animations and he is really good at it.

And Marzia was beautiful she was cute and inner cent. She was warm hearted and funny. She was Italian so she had a accent with her it was cute i bet all the boys fall for here. I mean i am gay but i have to admit she was gorgeous.

I saw Cry at break hanging around with a girl. That made me angry why does he act so nice to her and not me. What is wrong with me. I walked over there.

"Hey cry.! I need to talk to you right now" i grabbed his arm and walked off.

Crys - Prov

Felixs is dragging me out side

" h-h-h-h-hey feli-x were are w-we go-going"

He didnt say anything but carried on dragging me. He took me behind the bike shed and let go of me.

"What the hell do you think you doin with her"

He said a bit angry

"Huh, what do you mean Felix.

I am a bit confused to be honest.

"You no that girl you met on the first day and ALWAYS hang round with and act all nice"

Huh Minx what wrong with her

"I'm sorry Felix i am not sure whay you mean i have been in this school for 1 day i havent done anything wrong"

I dont know why Felixs is so pissed did i do something.

"Do you know what ..... i give up..... i cant stand this aruge anymore"

What is he talking about. As i was confused and i didnt realise that Felix was closing in on me. When i looked up Felix smiled and closed his eyes. His lips touched mine and he kissed me. it took a while but i melted in the kiss. I closed my eyes and put my and on his chest. This was my first kiss but it felt right doing it with a boy. He let go of me and said

"How was... that"

He said a bit outa breath. I couldnt say anything i just stood there looking at him. He leaned in again but this time i left me mouth open by accident. As he learned in i felt his hot tongue slip past my lips. I jumped a bit and he put his hands on my hips. I lifted my arms up and put them around his neck. I felt him smirk. I can feel his tongue moving around in my mouth. It feels weirdly right and he moved to my tongue. He started to play with it but i jumped back realising whay was happing. I jumped back and feel to the floor. I feel like i am about to cry i dont no why.

" No, no ,no w-w-w-w-we ca-ca-c-cant "

I felt tears filling my eyes and i coverd my mouth. I was actually enjoying it. He probably thinks its all a game. Yeah he is just using me. Suddenly , i started to feel angry. My tears escaped and so did my temper.


i ran off crying and rran to the bathroom. I can hear Felix vocie behind me. The bell went but i am not going until i stop crying and calm down. That was horrible. Oh no what am i going to do ?

Soorry for this short one i spent 2 hours on this i found it really hard to rigjt this chapter for some reason. Anyway enjoy

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