A Dangerous Mind

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"My, how fortunate am I to see a face after a near century! If your intention is to drive me mad then congratulations—" the young God paused as his hands clapped together roughly, and loudly. "You may just get exactly what you wish for—" Kim Taehyung's black eyes remained ominous, but his threatening smile only expanded as he stared into his father's stoic expression.

"I realize how unfair we have been towards you, Taehyung. Perhaps I was harsh in punishing you again." Zeus began, unconvinced by his words, but he continued. "Taehyung, I only locked you in here because you were planning on conspiring against us—"

"Why would I conspire against you when you have been nothing but kind to me since the moment I was born." Taehyung's voice was low enough that his sarcasm was easily masked, but Zeus continued to frown. He wasn't sure what to do with him, and Taehyung continued, "Long before I was born, you all decided to neglect humanity and I understand why." His voice softened as his hands pressed against the bars that imprisoned him in the miniscule cell that only fit a flatbed. "Then a menacing war broke out amongst those humans, but I know why you refused to help them, father." Taehyung's dark eyes softened, and Zeus stared into his eyes as he thought of that day. "They ruin Earth with their wars, and no matter how much you all helped them before—"

"It was always the same." Zeus finished his thought, and his eyes appeared somber. "I was beginning to think that each time we intervened, we only ruined Earth more and more." He paused and they stared into each other's eyes, but Taehyung knew what came next. "There were so many casualties. The world brimmed with acrimony; there was so much blood, destruction, death, but when it settled, something was born out of it." He shook his head, "I never understood why you were born after such destruction, and pain. There was darkness within you, and I thought I could cure you from it."

"It's unfair for you to imprison me when I have done nothing. I didn't choose to harness the power of that chaos, so why must you condemn me for it? Unless you regret not intervening that day."

Zeus could have commented on that, but truthfully, he was uncertain of the answer because that day was unreachable in his mind. He wanted to erase it, and if he could, erase Taehyung along with the memory. "There has been talk of your apparent unhappiness in Olympus, but I warn you, Taehyung. You're just one God, and there are many of us here that would do anything to keep things as they are, and as they always will be."

Taehyung smiled innocently, his fingers releasing the bars before him as he stepped away. "I understand." He vowed, and he forced a serious expression as his father apprehensively released him from his confinement. "Thank you for your kindness, father. I promise to do better by you." He bowed cordially before he stepped past Zeus and left the concrete, grey room that had twelve cells.

In the highest peak of Olympus, a civilization for Gods that rested atop its own clouds above the Earth, there stood a captivating castle crafted by exceptional metals that altered in colors depending on the brilliance of the stars that surrounded it.

The youngest God climbed up the stairs, walked down an alluring hallway decorated with various paintings created by the Gods. When Taehyung stepped out of the East wing of the castle, he glistened from the light radiating against the castle, but the sky above him was bleak. It was just black with specks of stars. He walked until he stood on the edge of the cloud, and he glanced down at Earth that slowly turned underneath him.

They nearly reached a millennium since the Gods intervened in the business of the mortals that plagued the Earth. Most of the Gods had grown exhausted of humanity's apathy and so they emancipated themselves of the burden and lived their lives as they pleased. Everything would have gone according to their intention, but then a vicious war broke out in the land of the mortals, and though Zeus watched apprehensively, he refused to aid any of the humans. Any God that betrayed his orders would be immediately condemned, and none dared to challenge him. If anyone wanted to aid the humans, they kept their wishes to themselves.

A Dangerous Mind [God Taehyung x Prince Jungkook]Where stories live. Discover now