Too Much Fun (Thomas Sangster)

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"Heyyy y/n how's it hanging?" Said a slightly drunk Thomas.

"Hey babe." I said. I was currently on the phone with him, cause he was in the city.

"I wish you were here." He cries. I heard moaning in the background and you wonder what was happening.

"Babe I'll be there tomorrow. And what's going on?"

"Nothing. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Got to go love you byeeeee." The call ends and I can't help but wonder what the hell was going on in the city. I decided to go early so I packed your bag and jumped on the train.


An hour later, I arrived in the city.

"Hey this is Thomas. You've reached me. Leave a message at the beep. BEEP!" He screeches into the phone, and the sound goes off.

"Hey babe it's me. Again. Please answer me." I ended the call and look around the train station, seeing people walking towards a building down the street. As I neared the building, there's a came here a couple years ago and that's where I met my best friend, Casandra. She was pretty much family now and she lived in the city. I decided to call her, seeing as I was in the city.


"Hey Casandra. It's me, y/n."

"Hey man. How's it kicking?"

"Good. Guess where I am?"


"The city, standing in front of city night life."

"Epic. I'm at a guys apartment."

"Ooo. Go girl."

"Babe, come back to bed." I heard the guy moan in gthe background.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know. I think his name is Tony. Well I'll text you the address cause he has a friend coming over soon. Alright see you then babe." She hung up and you can't help but wonder who the guy was. It sounded like Thomas, a bit. That was odd. A few minutes later, I got a text from her stating the address. I started walking to the place, when I realized that the building she said was the building I was in front of. I walked into it, earning a coulpe stares from people, all wondering why I wasn't staying outside for city night life.

As I neared the floor of which the apartment was, I was getting nervous. What if it was Thomas in the background? What would I do then?

The elevator stopped, which startled me a bit. After coming to senses it was just the elevator, I walked out and started my search for this apartment.

I soon saw a sign that directed me on where to go. A few minutes later, I arrived at the penthouse. (picture on side) After knockng on the door, I waited until Casandra opened it.

"Hey. You're here. Early."

"Yeah I was closer than I thought I was. Can I come in?"

"Sure." She said. It sounded as if she was warning someone or hiding something.

"Nice place this guys got."

"I know right."

"Hey can I use your bathroom?" I said, walking towards the door I thought was it.

"No don't go in there!" She yelled. Too late. I opened the door, seeing something I never wanted to see again. Thomas, hurridely pulling his jeans on.

"What are you doing here? And with her?"

"Nothing. It's nothing babe. Come one." He tried hugging me.

"No. Don't touch me."

"It's me. I'm not a monster." He said leaning in for a kiss. I slapped him across the face, which he returned with an apalled look, staring into my eyes. I would never do somehting like this, but it was in the heat of the moment.

"I-I'm sorry. I need to go." I rushed out the door, stumbling upon Thomas' friend, Dylan.

"Hey y/n. What's wrong?" He asked, seeing my tears.


"You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

"It was Thomas. He fucked my best friend." I said, now crying into his chest. He just pulled me closer, rubbing my back in an effort of comfort. It helped, a bit. But not enough to the point where I was completely calm. The tears we still flowing and there was no stopping them at the moment.

"Well he's an idiot." He laughed. I started giggling at this remark. He was an idiot. "Want to get some ice cream?"

"I'd love that." He grabbed my hand and we walked to the nearest ice cream parlor we could find.


"Wait, he did what?"

"I walked into what I thought was the bathroom, and found him frantically pulling his jeans on. I guess he thought I was coming tomorrow and not today."

"Yeah. He said he met a girl here and they got drunk together and I guess this happened. Cause he ditched me at City Night Life."

"That's where I met Casandra. She said we'd never lose each other and stay in contact. I guess I've already lost her. And my boyfriend, too." I pouted.

"Hey. Look on the bright side."

"What bright side?"

"You have me." He said. I smiled, and he started leaning in. I leaned in too, and our lips met each others. After a few short minutes, we pulled aprt, gasping for air.

"That was, nice." He said.

"Yeah. It was glad to get this whole situation off my mind." A moment of silence passed before we said anything.

"We should hang out more often."

"That'd be nice."

"It would be. He handed me a piece of paper and got up, starting to walk away.

"Until next time, my dear." I laughed at his dorkiness.

"Wait, you're actually levaing?"

"Yeah. I did say 'until next time' didn't I?"

"You did. But I was thinking we could watch a movie or two at my place. We'd have to take the train of course."

"Why not my place?"

"Sure. Let's go." To be honest, I was in the mood for a quiet night watching Netflix. And it looks like I go what I wished.

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