Princess in my Mind (Luke Hemmings)

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Laughter. That's all I remember. Laughing with him. Every single day he would come over and we would hang out and talk but it doesn't happen anymore. He's gone and never coming back. He's not dead, just on tour. I wish he would come back.

I decided to call him tonight.

"Hey. You've reached Luke's phone. Sorry I couldn't answer. I'm probably usy. Yeah, sorry. No Calum. No cuddles. Leave a message at the noise and-CALUM GET OFF ME!" I waited for the noise, while chuckling to myself about his voice recording. He was so dorky it hurt.


"Hey Luke. It's me, again. Please answer me. I really want to hear your voice. I miss your laugh, your smile and I miss you Lukey please come home." I hung up, setting my phone down. After pondering on what to do, I went to scroll through Instagram. Boring. Gross. Definitely not liking you photo. Yes, wait. I stopped on a certain picture. It was Luke, but kissing another girl. How could he? We were dating, I think. But he kissed another girl. I knew it. From the moment he called me princess, I knew it wasn't real.

I quickly ran into my room, locking the door and jumping onto my bed. I cried my eyes out into my pillow, coming up for air only. How could I have been so stupid. I grabbed my razor and started again. I haven't done this in a couple months. I never thought I would hvae to again. But like every good thing, it must come to an end. After I made a couple, more like 13, I stopped and set it down. Calmly walking into the living room again. I lived alone so that was good sometimes. I liked being alone. It reminded me that there's not always going to be someone there when you need them the most. It reminded me of how you can't always rely on others to do stuff for you.

As I sat down, there was a knock on the door. I pulled the sleeve to my sweater down and answered it, soon regretting it. I was tackled by a human noodle immediately.

"Get off me. You're killing me."



"Hi y/n."

HI Y/N!" I heard the other boys yell form the hallway.

"Hi boys. Luke what are you doing here?"

"I heard the millions of voicemails you sent me and everytime I was about to call back I had something to do. I'm so sorry."

"It's too late for sorrys."

"What do you mean?" I glanced down at my sleeve covered arm, and his eyes followed mine. "Y/n. Wrist."


"Seriously y/n."

"I said no now get out."


"Get. Out." He stared in disbeliefe, then sulked out. Calum, Michael and Ashton then walked in and engulfed in a hug.

"Hi." I said, smiling at seeing my three best friends.

"Hey girl."

"How was the tour?"

"Terrible without you."

"I know. I'm sorry I couldn't go. I had my studies to do."

"Boo. School."

"Oh shut up Calum." I playfully shoved his chest and he gave me a funny face. I burst into giggles which of course made Ashton giggle and I started laughing even harder which made him laugh harder. "This needs to stop." I said when my laughter had died down.

"But it's fun."

"But I can't breath half the time. Or any of it."

"Oh well." I chuckled slight at his goofiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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