chapter 8

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Hidden among the leaves above the dead

Summary-Abandoned by those that were supposed to be her family Fem! Harry makes a life for herself. One that she is just really starting to enjoy when the dead wake up hungry for human flesh. So, what happens when this independent Fem! Harry is faced with surviving during the walking dead?

Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter or The Walking Dead

An- Just so you know I decide to split chapter one into three different chapters so that it would be easier to read as almost fifty pages is too long for one chapter. This is a new chapter.

Chapter eight

Hyacinth, seeing the two people that she could actually respect, that she missed the most out of everyone she knew. That she had been pretty much forced to leave behind in the wizarding word, standing there in front of her couldn't stop the slight smile that came to her face.

As both Luna and Neville were the only people, she knew she could trust, at least from the wizarding world. Even if she hadn't seen them in a while, starting even before she had left the wizarding world to begin with.

Seeing as she hadn't been able to even catch a glimpse of them as everyone had done everything in their power to force them apart; including stopping the two from going to Hogwarts until they were fully 'healed'. And after that she had been abandoned by her family in Georgia leading to even less chance of seeing them as they were than in different countries altogether.

But still, after all this time, seeing them and seeing they were both alive, looking pretty well considering what was going on, Hyacinth felt something in her chest loosen up a bit. Not only that, but she also felt a tenseness that she didn't know had been in her back relax as she took the sight of them in with a sense of relief.

She now had someone, two someone's at that, she knew she could trust at her back; she wasn't alone anymore. Something that caused her to nearly let lose a choked sob as she moved in the direction of Neville and Luna. Or at least she would have, if Lori hadn't reacted to the fact that she seemed to know both Luna and Neville; in a rather negative fashion.

"You know those two! Are you like them, then? Freaks like them? Did you send them here to spy on us, or something like that and that is how you know them!? You did something to Sophia didn't you, that is why she trust you! Did you kidnap her and that is how you got her! Trying to make yourself valuable to us, is that right?! Trying to make us feel grateful to you for something that is you fault to begin with... Well, I see through you! You should be ashamed of yourself trying to take advantage of god loving people-"

Hyacinth was too stunned to react to what was being screamed at her, or at least she was at first, and then she was just angry. Something that was only getting worse the more accusations Lori seemed to rain down on her, and just as Hyacinth temper was just about to snap. Just as she was going to let the woman in question know exactly what she thought about her, as well as what she was saying, Lori was cut off, rather harshly at that, by her own Husband, and the apparent leader of their group, Rick.

"LORI! I've told you several time to stop calling them that! To stop insulting them, they have done nothing but help us and they do not deserve your spiteful tongue. So, keep it in your mouth!"

Here Rick gave a slight glare that stop Lori from saying anything else and continued on with what he was saying. The majority of the group either nodding in agreement behind him, or if not that, showing in some way the stood with Rick and not his wife as he did so. Hell, Hyacinth could see that Daryl seemed to be smirking and settling down like he was watching a good show as Rick tore into Lori.

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