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~Machu Picchu~

{TW: some slight reference to SA, nothing happens but if you don't feel comfortable reading skip to the line}

The entire day had been spent travelling, hopping from plane to plane as they made their way south to Peru. When they finally got in their rental car and were on their way to their resort, Karl and Nick were both exhausted. Karl had managed to actually get some sleep on the plane, so he was driving, allowing Nick to sleep on the thirty minute drive.

Upon arriving, employees were immediate to help Karl with his bags, offering kind smiles and moving quickly and efficiently. The brunet decided to let Nick get a little more sleep while he checked in. He hurried in, wanting to be as fast as possible, so the ravenette wouldn't wake and grow worried about him.

A few people were scattered about in the lobby, hauling luggage in different directions and looking through magazines and such that showed attractions in the area. Luckily, only one person stood in line in front of him, they were dealt with in a matter of minutes.

The man at the front desk was kind to Karl, being patient with him when he struggled to understand him through his thick accent. He'd spent a lot of time in Mexico and learned quite a bit of Spanish, so he figured it easier to just talk in it. It was hilarious when he and Alex would have their own private conversations in Spanish and the others would get mad and annoyed, especially Nick. He'd always do something cute like pick him up and carry him away from Alex as if he was jealous, and both of them found it hilarious how clingy the ravenette was.

The man appreciated it greatly, and conversation flowed much more smoothly, though Karl still got tripped up on a few words. After he had their room key and directions, he went to wake Nick up.

The sun had set by now, but it was still gorgeous here. However, Karl didn't believe he could ever find another place as great as home. He forgot what the car looked like, all he knew was that it was small and black. As he searched through the different cars, he heard boisterous laughter coming from behind him.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw four boys that were clearly drunk walking in his direction. They hadn't noticed him standing there, so he just kept looking for the car. The laughter soon got louder and he could hear them yelling random things. It took him a minute to realize they were calling out to him, trying to get the brunet's attention. The one in the middle, a white dude with hair dyed purple was waving his hand at him.

"Hey, you there!" he said, words slurring. "Do you know how to get to building 4a? We're a little lost."

Karl looked down at the sheet of paper in his hand. They were staying in 2a, so he knew the general direction. "It's over there," he said, pointing to where he assumed it was. The dude made a tsking noise as he shook his head.

"Babe, we're drunk, gotta be more specific than that. Hey, I have an idea, why don't you lead us over there? Pretty boy like you, out here all by your lonesome, what better do you have to do?" he asked, his friends snickering. Karl saw as his eyes raked up and down his body, and the brunet shifted uncomfortably.

"Uh, no thank you I'm okay," he stuttered, trying to turn away again.

The purple haired boy stepped forward so he was within arms length of Karl, grabbing hold of his arm with a sneer. It was a tight grip, and Karl could tell it would bruise, but he was too scared to care. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened, luckily the friend he was staying with at the time had seen him being dragged off and stopped them. No one was here now.

"Wanna rethink your position?" he asked, getting dangerously close to Karl's face to the point that he could feel his hot breath which reeked of beer.

"Please let me go," Karl begged, trying to pry his hand away, but the boy was determined.

"Hey!" a loud voice boomed, startling the four boys. But Karl recognized it and relaxed immediately. He felt a hand on his shoulder and the purple haired boy automatically let go. Nick pushed Karl behind him, grabbing the boy by the front of his shirt. "If you ever lay a hand on him again, I will end your sorry excuse for a life. Now get the hell out of my sight."

When he let go, the boy fell and scrambled backwards. Two of the others had already fled, but one remained and helped his friend to his feet before taking off after them.

As soon as they were gone, Nick spun on his heel, hand going to Karl's face as he studied him for any sign that he was hurt. Karl didn't give a whole lot of time before pulling Nick into a tight hug, refusing to let the tears that had built up fall.

"Are you okay?" Nick murmured in his ear.

Shit, you're already ruining this for him, Karl. Pull yourself together.

He nodded quickly, pulling away and wiping the tears out of his eyes. Nick looked angry as hell, though Karl knew it wasn't at him. He wanted them to forget about it, so he tugged on Nick's arm, taking him to the car. He could tell it was theirs because the light was still on and the door was wide open.

They got the remainder of their things and made their way to the room.


The four days after that went by smoothly, and they did everything they could. They still had three days left there, and were running out of ideas, having gone parasailing, scuba diving, hiking, snorkeling, and even spelunking.

Karl was sprawled out on the beach, basking in the warm sun that hit his skin. He'd lost his tan lately, and wanted it back badly. Sure, he'd got plenty of sun the past few days, but he always had some bad tan line at least somewhere. Farmer's tan, which turned into one around his tank top, then a sunglasses tan and one on his feet from his flip flops.

Nick was whining at his side, wanting to get in the water.

"I told you, you can get in without me, I'm busy," he told the needy ravenette.

Nick made a scoffing noise but stayed quiet for a minute longer. Until he eventually stood, but he hesitated before going to the water. Karl didn't really care what he was doing until he felt his small body being lifted off the ground.

"Nick, what are you doing?!" Karl giggled. Nick was carrying him bridal style and was running full speed to the water. "Stop, you're gonna fall and kill us both."

"I won't fall, just relax."

He got them both into the water waist deep before putting Karl down, but kept a firm arm around him so he couldn't try and go back. He stared down at the brunet before kissing him on the lips, then peppered a few kisses on his nose and forehead.

"You're a turd," Karl mumbled, pouting playfully. "I was trying to tan."

"How many times do I have to tell you you're beautiful just the way you are?" Nick asked, booping Karl on the nose.

"Maybe just one more," Karl said grinning.

"Fine, then you are gorgeous and perfect and amazing and stunning and anything else you could think of. Horrible sunglasses tan and all."

"You little-"

Karl grabbed onto Nick's shoulders, pulling him under. They stayed there for a second, but when Karl tried to go back up, Nick stopped him by grabbing his wrist. He gave Karl a deep kiss on the mouth that lasted for a total of three seconds before they were both gasping for air. Nick went up, pulling Karl with him. When they broke the surface, Karl spit out the nasty tasting seawater and glared up at Nick, who was still holding him tightly against his chest.

"Love you," he cooed, and Karl simply rolled his eyes before kissing him again.


Word count: 1,370

A/N: sorry for the first half, i needed to introduce a little bit of background for later chapters, but nothing like it will happen again. i thought the second half was just very cute, and i can relate to karl because i really need to level out my tan lmao.

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