Chapter five

978 60 102

Nightmares POV

Marvelous, just marvelous! Dust is already flying in the air! I pop my knuckles and get to work on killing innocent monsters. Error already found the human and quickly yanked the soul out of their body, storing it away in his old home. Horror had also killed Flowey, so now there was no chance of a reset!
Killer swiftly walks up to me, dusting the dust off of his jacket. "Snowdin is cleared, Blue is handling the Sans of this au and Horror, Dust and Cross are already in Waterfall." He says, a proud smile on his face.
"Good. Where is Lust?" I ask. "He should be cheering Blue on." He responds.
"Good, continue onto Waterfall, I'll follow in a second." I tell him. He nods and runs off towards Waterfall.
Now, I need to find Error and tell him that snowdin was cleared.

Now, here's how you find him. I look around and grab the nearest blue string, and begin to tug and tear it. I hear the unmistakable sound of glitchy teleportation. Bingo!
I duck just in time to dodge a handful of red bones. "Knock that off!" Error screams, glitching harshly. "Sorry, but we're heading onto Waterfall, care to join?" I say, the blue string dropping to the floor.
He sighs and nods. "Sure, but I told you several times before to not fucking do that." He sneered, storming past me and towards Waterfall. I chuckle and quickly catch up to him. "M'sorry, I didn't know how else to find you without taking too much time." I tell him. He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." He's trying to act mad, but I can tell he's already calmed down. Guess he just wanted to hear an apology from me.

We quickly arrive in Waterfall where Killer, Dust, Horror and Cross are wiping out everything in sight.
Error turns to me, "Where's Blue and Lust?" he asks. "They're handling the Sans of this au." I respond, using my tentacle to kill a Woshua that was trying to flee. "Sweet. Less work for us!" He chimed.
Waterfall was rather easy, even Undyne wasn't a challenge!  Then again, it wasn't a fair fight. Six against one? Even the Undying Undyne didnt stand a chance.
Hotlands was very much the same along with the Core. By the time we reach Judgment hall, Blue had already handled the Sans of this au (with a little help from Lust).

Killer stretches out dramatically, "Ah, isn't this refreshing?" He spoke, a bright smile on his face. "Yeah, I missed this." Error says, genuine joy radiating off of him. Even I can't help but smile, "I will say, this was the most fun I had in a while." I chuckled as we started to walk towards the kings garden where he most definitely is.
"Just what. Are. You. DOING?!" Of course. We all turn to see a VERY pissed of protector.
"Oh, hello darling. Did you have fun?" Error snapped, putting a lot of emphasis on "darling"
"What are you talking about?! Why are you HERE?! What absolutely our truce?!" He yelled, his voice bouncing off the walls.

Error glares at him. If looks could kill... "How about you tell ME what you were doing before this?" He demands, his voice sickly sweet. "I told you this Error, I was fixing glitches in the AUs. So the second I turn my back to do my job, you go out here RUINING it?!" He screamed, his eyes turning into red targets.
"Strike one." Blue says, walking out of the shadows, which is very odd considering he was right next to me a few seconds ago... "Try again!" Blue says with a bright, innocent smile. I hate that stupid smile of his, it's full of nothing but lies and terrible taco recipes.

"What's going on?" Another voice asks. We look behind Ink to see my dearest brother, Dream. He has his staff in his hand, just in case. He look at all of us, giving me a quick smile before turning his attention back towards Ink. Ink whips his head around in shock. "Oh, it's nothing. I'll handle this, no worries!" He says and rubs the back of his head. "But what are they talking about? Why's Blue here? Why is everyone so angry?" He looks up at Ink, worry and confusion evident in his eyes. "....Why did Error call you darling?" He asks. Ink starts to get nervous at this.
Holy shit, don't tell me...
"Dream, do you have any idea what's going on here?" I ask, raising a nonexistent brow. "No?? Should I?" He asks.
I sigh harshly. Ink blocks me from Dreams view. "You should go work on saving the people of this au, yeah? I'll handle them!" He says. Dream gives him a weird look and peers over his shoulder to look at me. "No, I deserve to know what's happening." He says. Ink just continues to block his view. "Seriously, there might be survivors!" He says again, clearly getting agitated.

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