Chapter four

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Nightmare walks down the hallway back to the living room. Everyone sits in an uncomfortable silence, no one daring to speak up.
"Well, Inks been cheating." He says simply, his tentacles swaying angrily  behind him. Lust start to get angry. VERY angry. He too had been cheated on, and knows how much it sucks. And although him and Error didn't talk much, he knew how much he loved Ink, and that he must be in pain right now. "I knew it was too good to be true..." Blue mumbles, looking down.
"But WHY? Errors been SO nice! Or is Ink THAT forgetful?!" Killer says, throwing his hands in the air.
"... Hey, let's bake him cake. Chocolate, of course. It's the least we could do for him!" Lust says.
"That's a good idea!" Cross chimed.
"Sure, why not. Horror and Dust can get the ingredients, Blue and Lust can do the main baking part, I'll handle the cleaning, and Cross & Killer will handle decorating the cake." Nightmare says, giving each of the members of his team a job based on their skills. He doesn't trust Horror or Dust with baking, as Horror is known for dropping human remains in the food, and Dust is too, well, dusty. Blue and Lust are both great cooks, and Killer, despite the name, is surprisingly good at decorating and making things look nice. Cross is there for supervision.

"Since when did you get to decide what we all do?" Dust asked. "Since I became your boss. Now get to it! I want him to wake up to the smell of chocolate cake." Nightmare orders, walking off to the kitchen.

Time skip because Yin is v lazy UnU

But also Nootmare POV

The kitchen was on fire, and I think it was my fault.

I was cleaning the stove, not realizing that the burner was on, i accidentally sprayed the fire with my cleaning spray, setting the rag and some the stove top, and the cabinets on fire.
Don't worry, the cake was fine. The cabinets, on the other hand, were not.
"Why was the burner on in the first place?! We're baking cake!" I exclaimed, watching as Killer puts the flames out.
"I was making macaroni..." Horror mumbles.
"Why were you making macaroni?!"
"BECAUSE BLUE WOULDN'T LET ME EAT EGGS!" Horror boomed, glaring at Blue.
"THE EGGS WERE RAW HORROR!" Blue screamed.
"YOU IDIOTS ARE GOING TO WAKE HIM UP!" I yelled, my voice bouncing off the walls.
"Wake who up?" Error asks, walking in groggily.
"Look what you did! You woke him up!" I hiss.
"Actually, the smoke alarm woke me." He says. He peers around my shoulder, before giving us all worried glances.
"Uh- K-killer your jackets on fire-" he remarked. We all turn around to see Killer with the bottom part of his jacket slowly burning. "oh my gOD NOT AGAIN-" Killer screams and quickly takes his jacket off, throwing it to the floor. Cross comes up and starts to smother the jacket with his shoes.

Error sighs harshly.
"Can you idiots do anything without chaos?" He sneered, rubbing his temples. "Alright, who started the fire." He asks, looking up at us. Everyone immediately points at me. I take in a deep breath. "In my defense, I didn't know the burner was on." I say. "How could you miss it? It's LITERAL fire." Horror says, shaking his head disapprovingly.
"Oh, like you haven't done the same." I hiss. "It's not MY FAULT only one of my eyes work!" He yells.
"Might I remind you I only have one eye to see out of as well?" I deadpan with a glare.
"Can you two not bicker?" Lust asks.
"What were you trying to make anyways?" Error asks. "A cake for you!" Blue says, popping out of the cabinet, which be all means shouldn't be possible as we had just watched him go outside to get some fresh air.
"Really? For me?" Error asks. "That's so nice! Thanks!" He beamed, giving us his rare adorable smile.
A small chuckle makes its way through my teeth. "Yeah, it's chocolate! We figured you'd like something sweet." I reply, rubbing the back of my neck with a nervous smile.
"You guys are too sweet. Though, maybe work on not setting the place on fire." He says, shaking his head.
"No promises!" Dust joked.

After thirty minutes everyone had (somewhat) cleaned up the mess in the kitchen and had made their way back to the living room to relax. Everyone had a slice of chocolate cake, with Errors slice being the biggest.
Said glitchy bean was currently shoving his mouth full of cake, hid glitches buzzing happily.
"Ifs Realfe good!" He exclaims, his words slurred thanks to the cake.
"Don't speak with food in your mouth, hun." Lust giggled. Error responded with his middle finger.

Error quickly gobbled up the rest of the cake. "Heh, thanks again for the cake." He mumbled sheepishly.
"It's nothing! It's the least we could do!" Lust responds with a bright smile.
"So... I'm assuming Night told you about Ink, right?" Error asks, looking up from his plate.
Everyone nods solemnly.
"Sorry if you didn't want anyone to know yet..." I say, looking away.
Error chuckles. "Oh, it's fine Night! I probably would have had you tell them anyways." He answers, looking down sadly.

"Hey, why don't we do something!" Lust exclaims, trying to lighten the mood.
"Like what?" Killer asks.
"Uh... Error! What do you like to do?" He turns to said glitchy skeleton. "Erm, well... Usually I just watch TV and hang out with Ink." He mutters. "I don't have many group activities to do." He chuckled.
Everyone hums, thinking about what to do.
*SLAM* Blue slams the front door open and runs in, making Horror jump slightly. "I HAVE THE PERFECT IDEA OF WHAT TO DO!" He exclaimed.
"Wait... Weren't you just on the sofa?" Lust asks. "IRRELEVANT," Blue yells as he gets up on the glass coffee table.
"I HAVE THE PERFECT IDEA! LETS RAID CANDYTALE AND ROB THEM OF THEIR SWEETS!" He exclaims, throwing his hands up in a jazz like motion. "WHAT ARE YOUR OPINIONS ON MY MAGNIFICENT PLAN?" He yells triumphantly.
"My opinion is that you should get the FYUCK OFF MY GODDAMN TABLE I JUST CLEANED THAT!" I thunder, standing up angrily. Blue sheepishly laughs and quickly gets off the table, muttering a small "sorry"
I groan and plop back into my chair.

"Anyways, opinions?" Blue asks, his voice now toned down to a normal level.
"I'm down!" Horror immediately says, his mouth already watering.
"You're just suggesting this because you've been wanting to go to get back at Sugar for that prank he did." Killer mumbled. If he could use his eye lights I'm sure he'd have rolled them.
"That is irrelevant as well! Now who wants to go to Candytale!" Blue exclaims, pumping his fists in the air.
Error sighs. "Blue, I can't. The truce, remember?" He says, looking up at said hyper ball of energy.
Blue strikes a hero's pose. "Well the truce can pause!" He replied. "No, it can't." Error groans and shakes his head.

Suddenly, Killer is right next to Error, giving him the ✨puppy dog eyes✨ "But why not?" He asks.
Error gives him a weird look. "What are you doing?"
"Just wondering... I mean, we haven't done a raid together in ages! Don't you miss it? Pleaseeee!" Killer begged.
"Yeah, aren't you the destroyer of worlds? I mean, you've been doing what INK wanted for months, when was the last time you did what YOU wanted?" Blue inquired.
Error laughs and rolls his eyes. "What are you talking about? I HAVE been doing what I wanted!" He states.
"When was the last time you made a real decision?" Lust asked, looking over to Error.

"I have! I've... uhm..." Error pauses. All eyes are now on him. "I've... I have... Oh stars you're right..." Error mumbles and looks down, his hands on his lap. "I've just been doing what he wanted..." he says, realizing how long it's been since he's done something he really wanted to do.
Error stands up, I now determined look on his face. "Well... I have been itching to use my strings for a while." He chuckles.
I smile and get up, quickly making my way towards Error. "You're sure about this?" I ask, I big smile on my face.
Error nods and cracks his knuckles. "Absolutely." He summons a big portal for us to go through.
"C'mon guys, let's cause some mayhem!" He exclaims and runs through the portal, with everyone quickly following.

I chuckle darkly and go through the portal. As soon as I'm through, the sent of sweets fills the air. We landed in the Snowden of Candytale, it looks very... well, sweet. Instead of snowm there's cotton candy everywhere. Screams quickly ring out as Horror starts to charge random monsters with his hatchet. Dust and Killer run off to the skelebros house, Cross starts looking for chocolate and attacking anyone who gets in his way, Errors throwing his blue strings everywhere, taking hold of houses, trees and monsters, and Blue and Lust run off to Waterfall to take all of the rock candies. Looks like we're back in business!

1555 words
Finally a new chapter!
Quick heads up, while this is a remake, the storyline is going to be kinda different! The ending will (somewhat) be the same, but the story itself has changed! The old version was unoriginal, and just too fast paced. So this is going to be longer, better, and hopefully more enjoyable!
That's all, bye!

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