Fairy Story (Beta)

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Hey! I am trying to get into writing more stories. Before I can even start on that though i need to know if there will be people that will actually read them! So here is another 'Test" story I guess is what you would call it. Not the best grammar, but eh its still readable. Check out my other story also! Zombie Story (Beta)

Mary just didn’t know what to do anymore. All she did was sit and gaze out of the bars of her cage. Mary was a captive by scientists. She knew not to tell her secret, and make the mistake Grandma Elm did. She thought she could trust her though, she was her friend. Friends aren’t supposed to betray you. It really hurts to find out when someone isn’t a true friend, especially in these circumstances.

Mary was a captive, because she was a freak. A fairytale that became real. Mary was a fairy. Almost like the ones out of the stories, but more civilized. Her kind had feelings and weren’t just a carton you could push around, they had feelings. Why didn’t anyone understand that? Mary has pretty filled out wings, golden hair that falls past her shoulders, and had a pretty tan that matched her hair. Her eyes are green like her mothers. Mary has a power most fairies don’t have though. She can turn into a human on command, her whole family can.

It’s only been a week since she has been captured and she already she is in terrible condition. Her wings are hanging down. She can’t even move them. There isn’t a mirror but she was sure she was very pale. They were slowly killing her. They don’t know what type of diet fairies need or anything. They don’t care though, as long as they get their research.

“At least when I die, they won’t be able to hurt me or any fairy anymore,” Mary said sadly. Luckily her parents escaped the government officials. They will never find them now. Mary did hope they weren’t too worried about her. She did it all to her self. This must be what she gets.

All Mary can do is wait. Wait for death to come. She didn’t see any chance of a rescue. Mary couldn’t cry either; her eyes won’t let her anymore. She was too weak to fly. Beginning to get to weak to walk, she just lays here. Its funny a week ago she was happy and healthy. Then it all went wrong


            “This is horrible,” Mary said slamming her locker. “That test is half my grade! And I think I totally flunked it,” she said walking out the schools front doors.

            “I’m sure you did fine,” Mary’s best friend Kayla said trying to make her feel better. They knew it was hopeless though. Kayla was sure to get into Harvard or something. “After all we studied hard yesterday evening”

            “You know I don’t remember that kind of stuff Kayla”

            “But you did fine. If you had studied when you go home you would feel better about it.”

            Kayla! It was raining, I couldn’t! You know when it rains,” Mary stopped herself, because Kayla didn’t know. She had no idea that if it rained Mary couldn’t study at home.

            Mary’s family lives in the forest. Just on the border of town, in a tree. They have a safe place where they put school books and such, but everything else is build just the right size for them. They may be magic, but they couldn’t shrink stuff.

            “When it rains it does what?’ Kayla asked irritated. “Grades are really important!” she always got this speech. What Kayla didn’t realized was that when Mary turns 21 she will have to pick between the Fae realm and the Human realm. The one she decided to not pick is the one she can never again return to.

            It was a hard choice, but Mary picked the world of Fae, it was too beautiful to give up. She wanted good grades, but it wasn’t a priority. “Yea Kayla I know,” Mary wish that Kayla could know about her, but Kayla was bad with secrets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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