07, Urban Shadows

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The conference went on for a few more minutes, tackling the recovery and rehabilitation efforts of the local government in the following days. After that, the police chief concluded the session by thanking Marice's group for their heroism.

As everyone around them gave their applause and cheers, Marice could feel pride welling up within her despite knowing that they were just buttering them up. She thought that what they did wasn't a big deal, but it still felt good all the same.

Once that was finished, they were escorted back to the adjacent AV room where the rest of their friends were waiting. Chief Cuizon and two other high-ranking officers followed suit, prompting the other personnel to leave the room. "I suppose this will be it for now," the police chief said. "Again, thank you for giving us your time."

Feeling a bit light headed, Marice pulled out a chair from the long table and sat down. "Cut the crap. It's not like we could just leave earlier."

"You didn't try threatening to blow up this building," Suzy said, drawing everyone's eyes towards her. "What? It worked for that pink-haired chick."

He blinked, crouching down. "Are you alright? You look pale."

"Do you want something to drink, Marice?" Katherine asked, glancing at the vending machine in the corner of the room.

"Yeah, gimme something sweet."

She ran in front of the machine, scanning its selection. "Oh, they have grape soda!"

"Get me that."

Mariella kneeled next to her daughter. "You looked really uncomfortable throughout the conference. You shouldn't have forced yourself to attend if you still don't feel okay..."

"No, I'm fine."

"You always say that."

She looked at the police chief, receiving her grape soda from Katherine. "What's the plan now?"

He exchanged looks with the lieutenant general standing to his right. "We've decided to defer to Captain Belmonte's judgment for the time being. But as an added precaution, we'll also be monitoring your residence and surrounding area for security."

"So you're just really gonna let us have our way, huh?"

He stood up. "That's all we can do right now, if I'm being honest."

"Liar. What about the other guilds you usually commission?"

"I believe that's out of the question now."

"What do you mean by that? Are you honestly expecting us to do all the heavy-lifting here?"

"Those guilds will never share a single commission out of pride. And believe me, we've tried many times in the past."

"Heh," Liza chimed in, "they just don't want to get overshadowed by you and your mother."

"Or maybe you guys just don't feel like shelling out the cash to pay them," Marice said.

Cuizon blinked. "So you're aware just how much money these clans are asking from us."

"It's basically highway robbery on their part," the lieutenant general said, leaning against the wall. "Their so-called regular rates for high-profile cases can already buy us one of those assault aircraft you folks flew on!"

"Th-That expensive?" Katherine uttered. "But each of those costs around thirty million dollars in its basic configuration!"

"And you can only imagine how much more they'll be able to squeeze out of us for this particular incident. I won't be even surprised if they suddenly ask for a colony on the moon one day!"

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