A Battle against the Three Mage-Sisters (Part 3/3)

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Planet Popstar, Jambastion Fortress

They soon made it to the third floor and Noire said.

Noire: *pant, pant* Finally, we made it to the third floor.

Magolor: Yeah. We should be now getting closer to the throne room if their is one.

King Dedede: Well I'm sure there is one since this is the fortress.

Adeleine: Guess that's true.

Blanc: We should probably get a move on since we don't have much time for chit chatting.

Meta Knight: I agree. So let's get going.

Everyone: Right!

And with that, they move onward so they can hopefully find the throne room in time.

After five minutes have passed, they were still walking through the hallway as they are now in the Heavenly Hall, where the sixteen level begins.

(BGM: Your Friends Believe in You - Kirby Star Allies)

Magolor: I think we should be getting closer to the throne room by now.

Noire: How can you be so sure.

Magolor: I don't know, it's just my guess.

Neptune: Well, let's keep moving shall we.

Next, they were moving forward as they ran down stairs as they encounter Jammerjab which Kirby threw a Friend Heart turning him good. Jammerjab is now wearing a tiara around his gray, woven hat. His staff also change color from a purple staff to a red staff.

Then, they jump over the pit as they encounter Poppy Bros Jr. and Anger Masker which Kirby threw a Friend Heart on Poppy Bros Jr. turning him good. Poppy Bros Jr. is now wearing a Blue party hat akin to a party popper with yellow, green, and pink explosion motifs on it, a red ribbon on the top, a large white cuff, and a blue, diamond-shaped gem with a large yellow rim on the front.

Next, Meta Knight performs a Meta Triple Slash on Anger Masker dealing damage as Anger Mask was instantly defeated.

Then, they dash ahead and  jump over another pit as they encounter Driblee and Floaty the Cell Core which Kirby threw a Friend Heart on Driblee turning her good. Driblee is now wearing a gold crown with a golden drop-shaped ornament on the center with two small golden waves on each side, holding a vortex of water.

Next, they dash forward and jump over the pit again as they encounter Burning Leo and Shield Guard. Then, Driblee dash towards Burning Leo and Shield Guard to perform a Wave Surf attack on Burning Leo and Shield Guard dealing damage as Burning Leo and Shield Guard were instantly defeated.

Next, they encounter three Jambelievers as Bandana Dee charged up to perform a Triple Throw on the three Jambelievers dealing damage and the three Jambelievers were instantly defeated.

Then, they ran up the stairs and saw a One-way door which Neptune said.

Neptune: Oh look, a One-way door.

Magolor: Well let's head inside and get moving.

Next, they went inside the One-way door so they could proceed onward through Heavenly Hall. Then, they came out of the One-way door and Noire said.

Noire: Hey, I think were almost there gang.

Uni: You're right sis, and I bet there's the Boss room that might be just up ahead.

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