On the Highway to hell! (or Portal)

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(Disclaimer: I do not own Rick and Morty or Hazbin Hotel or it character on the show, I do own the oc. Also, this episode happens before the event of Childrick of Mort. This is something I'm doing when I'm waiting for a new episode of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva boss.)

It had been a few days since the whole vat of acid episode and everything been quiet for a while, the Smith's resident has been pretty quiet, which is kind of rare. Summer was in her room listening to one of her favorite podcast, Jerry was in his workroom working on one of his Lego sets, Beth was reading a book in the living room and was in his bed staring at the ceiling thinking about what just happen a few days ago with the killing of many Mortys with the so called "time-save" device and his "Girlfriend". All of this, because Morty critique Rick's "brilliant" plan involving a fake vat of acid and mocking him for his inability to do the impossible even for Rick. He knows that Rick can be petty forget that he's a complete nut job from time to time. He learned his lesson on never insulting one of his Grandfather's idea again and to keep some of his ideas to himself.

Morty deciding to not spend his weekend just laying around in bed all day, thinking about the latest fuck-up. He knows he got his homework done, so that means he can help Rick with something. Rick wasn't too upset with Morty lately, but knowing Rick he still gets annoyed with him. Morty arrived at the garage/lab knock on the open door to get Rick's attention from what he was looking up on his interdimensional laptop.

"Ugh, Geez Morty. Do you really have to knock, you know you can al urp ways? It not like I'm Jerking off to Anime girls scissoring like you do." Said Rick with an annoyance, which made Morty feel embarrass and uncomfortable. "Next time e-e-erased your internet history, you little creep! And what with you and weird Furry stuff?"

"C'mon Rick, I was just being polite here." Said Morty to avoid any more awkwardness, trying to change the conversation "I'm just wondering if you needed any help with something or go on an adventure with you.

"I was looking up ancient demon artifacts, before you came in." Rick starting to explain as he shows the artifact on his interdimensional laptop, it was a bloodstone that is shape like a person screaming in agony. "The Screaming Bloodstone, it's said that if anyone were to tou urp ch it, it makes them go insane. The longer they touch it, blood will shoot out of every orifice. So that mean we will be traveling to Hell and retrieving it."

"But you don't believe in God, Rick." Stated the young adventurer who is concerned about this mission. "And why would you need something that will drive you insane and make you shoot blood out of y-y-your body." "I don't know, Morty! Maybe I wanted to make some money off of it or-or maybe I want to drive someone to the brink of insanity! Why do have to question everything I fucking do, I can do my own thing!! The dimensional traveler stated angrily as he makes his point.

"Okay, Okay, Sorry!" Morty said as he held up his hands in defense. "I was just asking, Damn!"

Rick had been a little iffy ever since the Beth doesn't enable his irresponsible and destructive behavior anymore and he no longer the head of the family anymore since Jerry return. He set the Coordinates on his portal gun.

"Rick, are we really going to hell?" ask Morty with a tense look on his face.

"I don't know about you, but I done a lot of bad shit in my time." Rick stated as he shot the wall of the Garage with his Portal gun. A portal appears and rick grab Morty wrist and drag him to the Portal, before shouting "We're on the Highway to hell, baby!!!"

They enter the portal, as they did that the Portal disappear and silence fell in the garage.

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