See you in Double Hell

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Ancient demon roam throughout the city causing mayhem and chaos where ever they go, many of the resident choose to hide or join in at the anarchy. This is kinda like the extermination or the turf wars. Katie Killjoy who was there, planning to film and report the whole thing while hiding behind a debris. She was straightening her hair and dress, then she picking up her mike.

"You better get my good side or it's your fucking ass, dipshit!" Katie threaten the camera man before they go live. She put on her fake smiled as the camera rolls. "This is Katie Killjoy and we are in the streets where the carnage is taking place." The camera shows a bunch of ancient demons destroying everything in sites. Then the camera focuses back to Katie.

"My co-host Tom Trench isn't with me at the moment because he's too much of a fucking pussy to leave the Studio!" stated the anchor woman as she growled angrily at the last sentences, squeezing the mike in her hand while maintaining her smile. She immediately then started to calm down "Oh well, more news stories for me."

Then out of nowhere Nora came flying through, nearly hitting Katie in the process, which anger the reporter.

"Watch where you're going, you fat fucking pig!!!!!!!" Killjoy yelled at the narrator, this however attract the attention of the monsters. She continues with the news, not knowing about the large ram-ape like demon approaching her from behind. "These monsters were summoned by evil entrepreneur Lucius Needful and a little help from wannabe supervillain Sir Pentious. Sources told us that Lucius retrieve the idol from a...."

She couldn't finish her sentence when she notices her cameraman looking scared. This however anger her and was about to produce her vulgar insults, when she notices a shadow looming over her. The insect demon turns around and saw the ram-ape demon, she couldn't react in time as the demon grab her in his hand and carry her off. Causing the camera man to run off screaming, dropping his recording and leaving those cute bad connection cards with a little imp tangle up in wires.

Nora hiding behind another debris, witnessing the whole thing unfold and focusing on the viewers. "Man, I hate that fucking cunt, calling me a fat fucking pig for no reason!" she ranted a little bit, before focusing on the real issue. "So, as you can guess, my cover been blown and trying to save my own ass here. The last you saw there are destructive demon raising literal hell into downtown and our heroes are finding a way to figure out how to fix this dilemma."

The scene then focusing on the gang hiding inside the motel, while coming up with a plan.

"I vote we get drunk enough, that we don't care about the shit happening outside." voted husk, as he got out some booze

"I second that" agree Rick as he grab himself a bottle, this earn him some glares from Morty and Vaggie.

"Rick!!!!!!! This isn't the time to get extremely drunk and help save Hell from Lucius!!!!" Morty exclaimed in anger "For once, do the right thing!!!!!"

"Yeah, that really work out for you, huh" Rick asked sarcastically, as he begin lists of when Morty's good intention back fire on him "You mean the time you cause a giant's death, leaving his wife a widow, his son growing up without a father and us nearly going to giant prison just to help a poor village, the whole Earth to be turn into Chroneburg, just because you wanted Jessica to love you back. How about the time over a thousand of people to die to save an interdimensional fart from being killed, who turn out to want to wipe out all carbon lifeform, when you wanted to save that Amish cat girl from being purge on a purging planet, but she stabbed us in the back and took our ship and you went berserk and kill everything on sight, or-or what about the time you thought giving a planet full of snakes an Earth snake to replace the snake astronaut that died when it bit you. Thinking it would bring hope to their species, but instead made some terminator time traveling bullshit, which in the end cause the snake planet from never existing. And let not forget getting a dragon, still a stupid fucking Idea."

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