I'm the Devil Biatch

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Lucius Needful and Morty Smith appeared at a satanic temple somewhere at the outskirt of town, with the help of Sir Pentious for lending them ride in his blimp. He was an old friend of Lucius when he was alive. Pentious told Morty old stories of the adventure he had when he was alive and when he started his life in hell, Morty seem very interested and is very interested in Pentious's steampunk technology. The Egg Bois treated Morty nicely and they really enjoyed his company, because of how nicely Morty treated them. Even complimenting #91's art skills, #34 brilliance and #70's hellgo blocks building.

"Here it is, Morty. The Temple of Demonic Power, where all sorts of powerful artifacts surrounded by booby-traps and life-threatening dangers." Mr. Needful explain to Morty "But that won't be a problem, because you have access to your grandfather's technology."

"Well, sure. I still got that anti-booby suits, from the tomb raider adventure." Stated Morty as he pulled out two of the suit, remembering the Miles Knightly and heistatron incident and how it made him lose interest in creating a Netflix deal. Which what Rick wanted in the first place, because he is a clingy asshole. He gave one to Lucius.

"Your Grandfather is a genius, but he's a how can I say it without sounding offensive... a petty, piece of shit." Lucius stated bluntly, as he put on the suit

"It's true, he is." Said Morty as he put his suit on too.

. They walked up the old stairs to the entrance of the Temple. Upon reaching the top, Morty ended up stepping on a block that sunk into the floor. Up above, a large chunk of the ceiling opened up, releasing a boulder that began barreling down, threatening to crush the both of them. But thanks to the suits the boulder bounced off them. They open the temple door and a bunch of poison darts start firing at them, the suit reflects those darts. Next Morty set off another trap that made fell in a spike pit, Lucius was able to get him out of there by tossing him a vine. Last, they past the crushing walls with ease and they reach their destination.

"I have to give your Grandfather one thing; these suits work like a charm." Stated the devil "Why haven't you guys use these before, they would make your adventure a lot easier."

"You know Rick, he's an adrenaline junkie" answered Morty with a shrug "And a normal junkie." quipped Lucius, this cause Morty to laugh at that.

"Hahaha, yeah." Smiled Morty, as he is having fun with someone who value him for a change. As they walk through all the artifact, they found The Screaming Bloodstone. Morty Smiled as he uses plyers to pick up the Blood stone and put it in a backpack, which Lucius gave him.

"Oh man we did it, Lucius!" stated Morty as he gave him a smile.

"Oh Morty" Mr. Needful started, before his face turn into something sinister and treacherous "This is as far that I could find use of your usefulness."

As he grabs a scary and awesome status of some hardcore demon, which cause their surroundings to shake and rumble. Morty made a face that tell that he made a huge mistake and that he is screwed.

"But w-why?!?!" exclaimed Morty with tears threatening to leave his eyes.

"I'm the Devil Biatch!!!" stated the devil as he kicks Morty in the chest hard enough that he hit the wall back first which cause his suit to malfunction. Leaving him with no protection, he will be crushed to death by the rubbles. He just sat there hopelessly as he watches Lucius escape the ruin ruined. Morty thought everything is hopeless and as a giant rock was about to crush Morty, he felt a hand grab him in the back of his shirt and pull him in a portal as the rubbles piles in. Morty open his eyes and see he is back at the hotel, he saw the person who dragged him in.

"Rick?" said Morty in an astound tone, he also notices that Rick wasn't in disguised "W-What happened to yours dis..."

"That's not important right now, Morty!" stated Rick as he cut Morty off "You're lucky I planted a tracking device in your spinal cord, from the last time you went off on your own."

Normally Morty would be upset that Rick would use his body as a place for his experiment, but for now all he could do is hug rick and crying little bit. Rick surprisingly comfort Morty a bit by rubbing his back a bit, which he doesn't do very often. Rick is known to put his pettiness aside for Morty sack, most of the time. After Morty calmed a bit, he notices his disguise was gone too and he started to panic.

"W-W-W-We can explain..." panicked Morty, but he was cut off by Charlie.

"No need to explain, Morty. Your grandfather told us everything." Stated the Princess of Hell.

"Everything?" blinked the young dimensional traveler, as he couldn't believe his ears.

"About you two are from a different universe." Started Charlie

"About going after the Screaming Bloodstone!" Vaggie said angrily

"About that Lucius dude and your grandpa history with that guy." Stated Angel "And how he got a very powerful Satanic artifact in his possession." Smiled Alastor

As soon as Alastor said that, they heard a loud kaboom outside the Hotel, they all expedite outside. And saw that Lucius was causing havoc to Pentagram city with the Artifact summoning ancient demon henchmen.

"Hey I know that guy, isn't he the one common patron from the brothel?" Angel said out loudly, which earns him an odd look from the others, except for Rick

"No fucking way?!??! Seriously?!?!?!" Rick burst out in hysteria, thinking of how much of a desperate loser Needful have become.

"Rick, this is serious!!!!! There are no times for jokes, when Lucius trying to take over Hell!!!!!!!" exclaimed Morty in an angry tone.

We all focus on Nora who was hiding from the chaos in a dumpster. Who gave us a scared look.

"We will all see you very soon." Said Nora as she closes the lid.

(Sorry this took too long. I had personal shit to deal with and college is starting around the Corner)

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