Part 1 - The Mystery

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It was a calm, misty morning. Lady Mimic sipped her morning tea (apple cinnamon) and sat down at her desk in HQ for a morning of superhero bookwork to do. After all, being one of the few heroes in northern Europe really left a lot of work to the two individuals of our story. Her partner, Super Bean was out dealing with an unfortunate incident about a mischievous cat destroying the Christmas decorations of some poor townsfolk. She gazed out the turret window at the gentle, fluffy snow that had begun to fall to the ground. It was one of those perfect days in January with no wind at just below zero, causing a calm, consistent snowfall. She began organizing her hero paperwork accordingly, when Kitty the kitty walked over and rubbed up against her leg. "Iloveyoufeedme!!" she said. "Alright you silly kitty" Lady Mimic responded. She got up, filled kitty's bowl to the very top, and swiftly returned to her desk to try and get some work done. A moment later, she felt a sudden mental jolt, unlike anything she's ever experienced. It was a jolt mixed with realization and yet confusion at the same time, and she felt it all around her, in a strangely physical sense. She looked out the window. "The sun seems higher than it was just a second ago..." she wondered. Looking down at her high-tech-laptop she realized three hours had passed on the clock in an instant. She glanced at the grandfather clock across the room. It had also moved forward 3 hours. How could this be?

"What just happened??" She ran to Kitty, who was nowhere to be seen. She must have gone to sleep on Lady Mimic's bed again, but her food bowl was completely empty already. What had just happened? Had she fallen asleep? It was already past noon! She tried to shrug it off and decided she would try to get something done before Super Bean returned. She opened her message box and chose to start with a case about a suspicious increase in accounts of reverse pickpocketing down near the southern border.

When Super Bean returned from his mission he was greeted by a concerned Lady Mimic who told him about what had happened earlier that morning. This simply made Super Bean feel even more perturbed than how he had been feeling previously. This is because on his journey back, flying back to HQ over snowy hills with his gravity manipulation ability, he had had a very strange experience. Perhaps it was the speed at which he flew, or perhaps it was the aftereffects of the tough challenge he had just faced, but just as he saw HQ on the horizon the sun seemed to suddenly be much higher in the sky than it was just a second ago.

"That happened to me too!" he exclaimed. The two were now even more confused as to what happened. They started doing some rather silly experiments like filling Kitt's food bowl again or flying over the same exact spot Super Bean had been (Lady Mimic copied Super Bean's powers to fly as well). It was mid afternoon before they decided to focus on their other superhero duties for now, perhaps more clues would present themselves in the future. After all they had both already missed lunch and were getting quite hungry. "Pot stickers?" suggested Super Bean. "Pot stickers" Lady mimic replied.

Over the next couple weeks these time skips would continue to happen to our two intrepid heroes. Whether the two were playing a game of tennis in the castle's gym or riding in the nearby forest or solving cases, they would see the sun jump forward a couple hours' worth of time and the clocks change. Through planned timers, scientific measurements and some advanced functions they were able to figure out that this skip seemed to happen six or seven times a week and for 1 minute to three hours. Interestingly, it always happened to them at the exact same time and it seemed to happen much more frequently when they were together. Lady Mimic had the idea of recording themselves while it happened. They sat in their living room watching shows on Netflix before another happened. They found out that while time was frozen for them they would go inert with their eyes open. Not a single movement, not even to breathe.

One morning Super Bean and Lady mimic were woken up with a start. The superhero alarm was signaling code red! They raced to the telescreen in mission control to see what the defence team had sent. The screen displayed a strange man in a purple spandex suit running around the downtown core, zapping pedestrians with his fingertips.

"It says he calls himself The Looper" conveyed Super Bean, "and he uses some sort of mind control that changes people's behavior."

"We have to get there now," said Lady Mimic. Super Bean responded expertly, "You grab the Yaztathar's necklaces of brain protection and I'll power up the jet." (How Super Bean and Lady Mimic acquired these relics is a fascinating, but unfortunately completely unrelated story. Maybe another time)

"Well well well, Laaady Mimic and Superr Bean'' someone bellowed over a speaker phone from the chaos below as the two heroes dropped onto a rooftop. "There he is!" shouted Lady Mimic. They leapt across a couple buildings and found the purple figure standing in the middle of an intersection. "There's nothing you can do to stop me from looping every person in this town with my Looper 9000!" he yelled as he pointed to a tank on his back with a tube that attached to his finger. "But why?" Lady Mimic replied, "why would you do this to innocent people? Being looped is not a good feeling!"
"I'll tell you why.." he answered as civilians ran by in all directions, seemingly from each other.
"You see noble heroes, I was never the cool kid on the playground when I was young. I always had great ideas but no one would ever listen to me because of my long nose. As a result I spent many of my young years looped. The feeling of being inside your own head, unable to escape your thought of doubt and fear. No one would help me escape the loop, not even my family! Isn't that terrible. And so I have become what you see now, a vengeful agent of chaos, seeking revenge for what everyone put me through!"
"There's no reason to vent your suffering on these innocent people!" declared Super Bean. "In fact, we can help you finally escape your loop!" added Lady Mimic.
"I don't think so..." The Looper spoke with a tone of resentment "I don't care. I don't want help, I want payback! And now I will loop you too! I'll loop you allll!"
"Oh no you don't you impish idealist!" bellowed Super Bean and the super duo activated their necklaces an instant before The Looper's beam hit them.
The Looper scowled. He quickly realized that Super Bean and Lady Mimic had come prepared. He wouldn't be able to scratch them with those stupid necklaces! His Looper 9000 was all he had! But then suddenly, as if his anguish had been answered by the heavens, Lady Mimic's eyes froze in space, along with the rest of her body! He looked over and the same thing had happened to Super Bean. The Looper walked over to Super Bean and poked his face. Although his eyes were open, The Looper got no response. "Well well well..." said the Looper and he reached for their collars.

And this is where our story really begins...

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