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|Dylan's POV|

I wake up at 5:45 this morning and begin my journey to getting ready for graduation. Yes, we are finally graduating!
I'm so excited. I take a long shower with the song We Are The Champions playing.

I step out and walk to my closet. I pick out my black heels and a white dress with an open back. I lay that out on my bed and step back into my bathroom. I plug in my curling iron and blow dry my hair.

Once I finish blow drying my hair my curling iron is ready to use. I give my hair some light curls and turn off my iron. I throw on a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, grab my dress and heels, and skip down the stairs.

"Hey graduate." My brother greets.
"Hi Bryon." I squeal.
"I'm going to head to Kristy's." I tell him.
"Alright see you at the graduation." He says waving as I walk out the door.

I exit the house and open my back car door. I set the heels on the floor and drape my dress on the seats. I rush back inside and up to my room. I pick out some accessories that match my outfit and make my way back down the stairs.

This time I catch my mom making breakfast for Bryon and Destiny.
"Do you have time to stay for breakfast?" Mom asks.
"Yeah why not." I reply sliding into the seat in between my siblings.
"I can't believe my baby girl is graduating later today." Mom says, flipping a pancake.

"I can't believe it either Mom." I answer.
"You know Aunt May, Uncle Greg, and the twins are coming right?" She asks.
"Really? I've missed them." I tell her.
"That's great honey. And yes they wouldn't miss you graduating for the world." She says with a smile.

"Oh I almost forgot my little boy is graduating next year as well." Mom says turning to Bryon. He groans and plops Destiny in his lap, trying to block Mom from his view. Mom grumbles and I look at my phone. It's already 8:13 in the morning! First of all, I was suppost to be at Kristy's an hour ago and I spent almost over an hour eating breakfast.

I quickly finish my breakfast and hop out of my chair.
"I need to get going dear family." I announce.
"Oh but we just arrived." Uncle Greg says from behind me.
"There's something called knocking." I joke as Aunt May pulls me into a tight hug.

"Yes kiddo but this is OUR family we're taking about." He continues, spinning me like a princess.
"I can't believe you're graduating!" Aunt May squeals.
"Where are the girls?" I ask wanting to see my cousins. They point to Destiny. I follow their fingers to see the twins swooning over how much Destiny has grown.

"No love for your graduating cousin?" I ask. The twins, Raina and Kira, turn their attention from Destiny to me and drown me in an embrace.
"Okay guys as much as I want to stay and have some family time, I have to go so I'll see you guys before my graduation starts alright?" I ask them. They all nod and wave it off. I smile at them and turn to leave when I feel arms encircle me around my shoulders.

I turn to see my year older cousin, Shane.
"Shane," I squeak "Mom never-"
"Missed you too squirt." He interupts. I pout and cross my arms over my cheast.
"I still don't understand why you call me that," I whine "I'm only a year younger than you."
"Yes, but that's my reminder to you that I am older now go, we'll see you at the ceremony." He smiles. I smile back and walk out into the crisp, sunny, spring air.

I finally reach Kristy's house and knock on her door. The door swings open revealing Kristy's mother.
"Dylan, my love I'm glad you made it." She says as she pulls me inside and hugs me.
"I can't believe all three of you are graduating." She continues, letting me go.
"The girls are upstairs, waiting for you." She tells me.
"Thank you so much Mrs. Erica." I reply, rushing up the stairs.

When I open the door, I'm greeted by both the girls squealing and a whole lot of perfume.
"You took so long to get here." Casey says pulling me towards the bed.
"Sorry my family just got in and held me up." I explain.
"It's alright I understand. Your family IS something else." Kristy laughs.
"It is, isn't it?" I answer laughing along with them.

"So.....is your speech ready?" Kristy asks after our laughing session.
"Yes I hope it's good." I say nervously.
"Everybody will love you." Casey assures.
"I sure hope so." I sigh.
"Oh my gosh guys look at the time! We have 2 hours and 30 minutes left to get ready!" Kristy exclaims.
"I swear if we're late to our own graduation..." I humorously threaten. We laugh and start to get ready.

About 1 hour and 25 minutes later, we all are ready to go and let me add we all look super gorgeous.
"Make sure you have your gowns." Casey reminds us.
"We're good let's get moving." I say, leading us to the car. We set our gowns down, one on top of the other, in the backseat.

"I can't believe we are going to graduate today." I say closing the door behind me.
"Me neither chica." Kristy says.
"Ditto." Casey adds as we reverse out of the driveway and make our way to the large auditorium where we would be graduating.

We officially only have one last part until this book is completed. I'm going to try not to get sad. Anyways I'm so proud of this book. I can't wait to just read it over and be like "wow this isn't actually half bad". Picture to the side is Dylan's dress and the hat throwing graduation thingy. Yes, I said thingy. Last part soon.
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