The Date: Part 1

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|Bryon's POV|

I wake up on Sunday morning and silently cheer. My date with Aurora is today! Yes, I did get a date and she's a beautiful, nice person. I'm taking her to a drive-in movie showing, The Notebook which I think she'll love. I really hope she'll like it. I have to pick her up at 5:30 so we could make it to the 6:00 movie. I skip downstairs in the happiest mood ever. I see Mom in the kitchen and I am assuming Kristy and Casey went home last night. Dylan comes down in nothing but Spandex and a crop top and I cringe.
"What?!" She snaps sassily.

"You're my sister so....I suggest you throw some real clothes on." I say.
"Ughhhh." She groans and throws a pillow at me. I catch it and throw it back with perfect aim. She dramatically falls to floor.
"I have been hit." She laughs.
"Well someone's obviously been improving on his football skills." Dylan says as she stands up. "Yeah, I really want to make it onto the team." I reply.

"So, I heard from Dylan you have a date today sweetie!" Mom calls from the kitchen. I gasp. "You told!" I yell.
"Hehehe about that.....Mom was begging me to tell her why you were in such a good mood and I cracked." She giggles. I groan. I charge for her and attack her with tickling because I know she's ticklish from....when dad was alive.


Dad was my hero.
I looked up to Dad like he was the night and shining armor to life. One night we were all home. And Dylan kept staring at the door, waiting for dad to come. I thought that he'd have come home any minute but the minutes turned into hours. Soon enough we got a call from a crying lady,

"Ma'am, are you Flora Justice?" The lady asked.
"Y...yes why, did something happen that I don't know of?" Mom asked. The lady on the line just sobbed trying to spill the news to mom.
"Your....your husband he's....he's gotten into a carcrash and is in critical condition in the Miami Hospital." The lady explained. A tear rolled down my mother's face as she froze. She dropped the phone, grabbed her car keys, and told me and Dylan to get in the car with a worried yet stern voice.

Truly, I was just a scared 10 year old. But 11 year old Dylan told me that everything would be okay as an attempt to calm me down. Like I said, dad was my hero I couldn't loose him now. Destiny was only 11 months. She was only 2 months from her first birthday. A tear rolled down my face and Dylan wiped it away saying Dad would be okay. She was a daddy's girl, you know?

When we reached the hospital we all rushed in, mom carrying Destiny.
"Is Keith Justice here?" My mother asked eager.
"Yes, he is are you his wife and kids?" The woman at the desk asked.
"Yes, yes we are." My mother said, now sobbing. Destiny was frowning in confusion. "The doctors are working as hard as they can right now, you can wait in the waiting room." She said. Soon she walked up and asked, "does anyone need anything, I can get you anything you need." She offered.

I could tell she felt bad for us.  Mom told her to take me and Dylan to get food and that she'd feed Destiny. I really wasn't hungry but I went for the sake of mom. We both got chicken nuggets and fries with soda, Dylan getting Dr. Pepper and me getting Coca-Cola. We sat next to mom and ate as Destiny fell asleep in mom's arms. Soon enough, me and Dylan fell asleep as well and woke to a hurried mother.

"Come on guys we can see your father now." She said. Me and Dylan jumped off the chairs and rushed with our mother to dad's room. When we walked in, the tears I'd been trying to hold in came out as I saw dad in a hospital bed with tubes going in and out of him.

Next thing you know 2 months later, he dies. At the funeral, mom cried the most. Dylan tried to stay strong as the oldest but that didn't work out. She ended up crying when she had to speak at the microphone. Destiny stayed home with a babysitter because mom didn't want her to experience any of this, I mean it was the month of her birthday. And I, didn't hold back anything. I continuously cried and cried and cried.

Ever since that horrible day of my life, I swore to always be the man of the house and stay strong for everyone because that's what dad would've wanted me to do.

And all I want is for Dad to be proud of me.

End of Flashback

I wake up from my nap and rub my eyes realizing it is 4:30! I need to start to get ready for my date.

This is a pretty long part guys so I'm gonna continue this in a Part 2 okay? I hope your okay with that. Anyway the picture to the side is Aurora. Write soon cause I know y'all would want me to finish this chapter cause it's interesting right? Later. -Annie

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