Chapter Five

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That night I lay lounged out on my couch in a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top. The TV was playing a movie as I shoved popcorn in my mouth, relishing in the buttery taste. This is all I had been doing since I got home from the café hours ago, I couldn't even remember the last time I just sat down and watched a movie while relaxing. With that thought, I heard my phone ringing from the other side of the couch. I reached as far as I could without having to move and grabbed it before answering.

"Hey mom." I answered, grabbing the remote and turning the volume of the TV down.

"Hey sweetie, how are you? I haven't heard from you in a while." She responded, making me roll my eyes. I placed the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and sat up straight.

"Ma, I just talked to you two days ago." I laughed, putting the phone on speaker, then stretching.

"Well, that's just too long for my liking, plus you hung up on me abruptly. I thought I taught you to be more polite than that." She sighed, being her ever dramatic self. Then I realized why I had hung up on her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Landon showed up at my door, I was so excited I wasn't even thinking!" I responded, leaning back against the cushions of the couch.

"What? Landon is back? That's wonderful!" She exclaimed, "How was your visit with him?"

"Great, he's staying for good! That's not the best part though. Are you sitting down?" I asked, sitting up straight, excited to tell her the news of my best friends' engagement. My mother loved Landon but was always worried about his love for woman.

"Oh? I suppose I am now, what has that boy gotten himself into now?" She asked hesitantly.

"He's engaged!" I exclaimed, only to be met with silence for a few seconds, "Mom?"

"He proposed to you?" She yelled through the phone, causing a look of disgust to cross my face. "Honey, I am so happy! I have been waiting for this day since you were pulling each other's hair and pushing each other off the swings!"

"Ewe, mom! No! He's my best friend, don't be disgusting!" My body involuntary shuddered at the thought of me and Landon getting married. "Her name is Tessa; she is the sweetest girl! You will just love her!" Though I know it will take her some time to get over the fact that Landon and I will never ever be together in that sense, as she had always wished for us to be.

"Oh, well, I guess I don't have a choice but to meet her." Mom grumbled through the phone making me laugh. I heard a knock on my door and picked up my phone, walking into the kitchen to open the door.

"How is Georgia feeling?" I asked, opening the door. My eyes grew wide as I looked over my unexpected visitor. His hair was disheveled from running his hand through it and was now wearing a pair of dark jeans and a grey t-shirt. Without even waiting for me to invite him in he pushed pass me and walked into my apartment with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, the poor thing is so uncomfortable. I hope she goes into labor sooner rather than later." My mom's voice brought me back to reality, "The baby is extremely active, and the doctors predict that it will probably be around nine pounds when its born."

"Wow, will it even fit coming out of her at that rate? She is so tiny!" I responded, closing the door and following my intruder into the living room where he placed a paper bag on the coffee table. He looked over at me and smiled, coming closer. Still in shock, I just stood there dumbfounded.

"Oh, don't be silly, of course it will! A woman's body is amazing, Quinn." The man in front of me nodded in agreement as he looked me up and down before pulling me to his chest. "In the case that it doesn't though, she will have to have a c-section."

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