Part 1

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I've always been one to set my expectations high. The higher the better, I've always said. I'm not known at my school to bring myself down to the level of charisma shown by the boys at our highschool. There's no real point, they don't believe in the love that I want. The heart stopping, electric impulse love that can only be described in fiction.

I've always liked my name, Lera Thatcher. It sounds mystical, enchanting, like I'm in a different world without the disgusting, sweaty, 17 year old boys. Heaven.

When I'm in my daydreaming world, the ordinary world may as well stop. Dreaming of a different world, high above the clouds, I no longer feel lost. I feel at home. Understood. I wouldn't have to jumble my way through life, talk to people I couldn't stand, be perceived as someone I wasn't.

Most people don't understand me, fully. I think it's because I don't let them get too close in the first place. I'm scared of being hurt, or used, then ending up feeling lonelier than I ever was before.

People used to tease me about it, the daydreaming, none more than my brothers oldest friend.

Christian Laurence had been hanging around my family forever. He and my brother met in preschool, and haven't been apart since. He's unmistakably handsome, and he sure knows it. Although he's only a year older than me, he treats me like I've just graduated from diapers. For years, he's poked fun at my personality, nicknaming me the 'daydreamer'. Hilarious, I know.

I loathe him. From his smug personality to his egotistical outlook, I loathe it all. And I needn't worry, I know he detests me. He loves making me feel inferior, and toying with my mind.

It used to bother me, how he treated me. I remember being young and crying to my mom, wondering why he and my brother would play pranks on me, treat me like my feelings didn't matter. Then I grew up, and realized I didn't need their validation or support to live my own life.

That's why I am who I am. I don't try and change myself for people.


The cool summer breeze flew through my hair as we cruised down the long, winding roads. I was sitting in the backseat of my car, my mom and brother upfront. I sat with my sketchbook on my lap, doodling flowers in the corners.

"Get ready kids! We're nearly here!" mom says, taking off her sunglasses and raising her eyebrows at me in the rear-view mirror.

This summer, my mom Kelly decided it was a great idea to rent a massive beach house down the coast. Sounds great, right? Well it was, until she decided to let my brother, Noah, invite Christian and his family. And now I have to spend a whole summer with his smug ass.

There's always a silver lining though. My mom asked my friend, Kat to come along with us, who was sitting next to me at this very moment. Her parents were busy with work, so we brought her with us.

"Eeeek! I'm so excited!" Kat says from beside, practically bursting at the seams. I smile back, although mine doesn't quite meet my eyes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to spending my days basking in the warm sun eating ice-cream with my best friend, but the thought of the very person I hate the most hovering around dampened the effect. A whole summer with his infuriating smirks and too-cool attitude almost made me refuse to go. But, we all needed a break, from home, from life, so for my mom's sake, I agreed to go. And because the beach was calling me.

We round the last corner, and are met with the cool tones of our home for the next few weeks. 2 comfortable looking armchairs decorate the front porch, along with an array of potted plants, which stand out against the cool grey panelling.

Well, here goes nothing.


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Hello random person who decided to read my book! I hope you enjoyed the first part. Just so everyone knows, this is the very first draft of this story, so there may be parts of it which have spelling errors which I hope to fix once this story is finished!

As this book is a work in progress, updates will hopefully be weekly but I'm sorry if they take a little while longer.

Also, the banners used at the top of every chapter just reflect the inspiration I have for this story (either character or setting inspiration), but feel free to make up your own ideas of the characters/setting (all sourced from pinterest <3)

Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy!

em, xx

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