Last Day of School

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A/N So I have decided to use P.O.Vs in this story. And other characters will be introduced by other characters. Enjoy the first chapter! 😃

Alice's P.O.V
Tomorrow is the last day of school! I'm so excited! I was currently in bed, trying to get to sleep. Although with tomorrow being the last day of school, I couldn't hold it in. My legs felt like they had so much energy so they kept bouncing up and down. My chest had this weird feeling that I just can't explain. After school ends, I'm having a sleepover with my friend. I'm going home on the bus with her and then we go to a waterpark. She also redid her room. It's beach themed. With all that happening, I just couldn't fall asleep! Since my legs were still bouncing up and down, my dad came in my room. " What's all that noise?" He asked. "Um, well... I'm just really excited." I said. "Ok well, keep your excitement quiet ok?" "Ok, I'll try." with that, he left. Back to me trying to fall asleep!

Time skip- The next day
* beep beep beep* "Ugh, do I have to get up?" I ask trying to get out of bed. "Yes, sleepy head you do have to get out of bed." I heard my mom say. She turned off my alarm. "UGGGGGGG!!" I complained rolling out of bed. "Get dressed, brush your hair cmon! You don't wanna be late do you?" "No." I said sleepily. Then she left, closing the door behind her. Then I got up, dressed in a white t-shirt, a white striped green jacket, blue jeans, and my trusty goggles. Then I brushed my bed head. "There!" I said. then I went downstairs to eat some pancakes for breakfast. "Are you excited for the last day of school?" Mom asked. "Yep!" I said with a mouthful of pancakes. "Hey, where's your brother?" She asked. "He's probably still in bed." I said. She sighed. "I'll go wake him up." she said while starting to go upstairs. After I finished my pancakes I made sure my sleepover bag was ready. Yep! There it is, my light green duffle bag, packed with clothes and such. then I grabbed my iPad and played some Crossy Road. Then I saw Bryce coming downstairs. His hair looked messy, as always. Then he got some pancakes and stared eating. "Did you have a good sleep Bryce?" I asked try to start a conversation. "Yeah." he said while eating pancakes. I just continued playing Crossy Road. "Time to go guys! Get your shoes on and out the door with both of you!" She said. I got up, ran into the utility room and got my brown boots on. Then I grabbed my duffle bag and ran out the door. "Bye mom!" I yelled running to the bus stop. Then I stopped once I was there. I saw Bryce running down the sidewalk. Then the bus came. We boarded the bus. I took a seat next to my Best friend, Lizzie. "Hi Lizzie!" I said. "Hey Alice! Did you get your duffle bag?" She asked. "Yep! Here it is!" I said showing her my duffle bag. The rest of the bus ride we just talked about what we were going to do first at the waterpark. then we arrived at school. We got off the bus and ran inside the school. Then we talked to our other friends. "What's the duffle bag for Alice?" My friend Holly asked. "I'm having a sleepover with Lizzie." I said. Just saying that makes me excited! "What are we even going to do today?" Asked my other friend Kaylee. "Well since we have only 1 hour of school, I think we will be doing--" *ring* Everyone ran off to their homeroom. Once I arrived, I put my duffle bag in my locker. Then I sat down in my seat. Mrs.Zanoski entered the room. "Today will be a party for the last day of school. We will have cake, go outside and do activities and then you will go home." she said. Everyone cheered. "YAYYYYY!" I yelled. "So first up, let's have some cake." Mrs.Zanoski said. She passed out pieces of chocolate cake. We all devoured our cake pieces. Then we went outside. I met up with my friends. "What did you guys do?" Asked Kaylee. "We had cake." Said Lizzie. "We had candy." said Kaylee. "So, what activities do you guys wanna do?" I asked. "Hmm... Oh! How about we play on the playground!" Said Lola. "Ok!" Lizzie said. We ran over to the playground. We played on the monkey bars, the slide, and the swings. Then Mrs.Zanoski called the class in. "Time to leave!" She said. "Wow that was quicker than I expected." I told Lizzie. "Yeah." She said laughing a bit. I went outside to my locker and got my light green duffle bag. Then we lined up and went outside to the buses. Then I followed Lizzie to her bus.We got on the bus. The bus ride was pretty quiet. Then we arrived at our stop.

So how was it? Also, I don't own any game, movie,show,product,or book that I may use in this story. At at the end I know it was a little rushed... But anyway, hope you enjoyed the 1st chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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