chapter one: Cold Beginnings

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The hunters conventionally wore brown, hooded robes down to below their knees, loose leggings to give them free leg movement and a balaclava. No one knows much about the Hunters, apart from the dark energy that they not only tamper with but also control.

From a young age, Huntees, as the younger hunters are called, are trained in one of the harshest environments on earth: Antarctica. This continent has been a training ground for these hunters for centuries, all of whom spent their lives waiting for a new ice age that caused a long lasting freeze. Now that those criteria have been met, they finally became known and were eventually put into use.

Antarctica had a government for ages. From 2017 when the United Nations Antarctica treaty ran out, an American government led to a Chinese government which led to a stream of governments right under our noses. In the end the people of Antarctica rebelled, and, with help from the Hunters, abolished their oppressors. After forming their own government hell bent on training Hunters, they continued to leave most visitors alone, though if you were unlucky enough to get in the way of a Hunter mid job, chances are you were already dead.

Edgaras, or Ed as his friends called him, was one of the new Huntees. He was selected and brought due to his control over dark energy and his ability to manipulate peoples minds. He wore his family's ceremonial red robes as he stepped slowly towards the alter. At the age of 15, six teenagers are selected to swear allegence to Antarctica and the Hunters.

Those six would play an important role in the future of the hunters. Three were male and three female. The Hunters respected all as equal. Of those six, Ed was the smallest. He was also the leanist and the most agile. His five room mates were: Shanon, Ed's best friend, Joey, William, Sasha and Natasha.

Standing infront of the alter, knowing that his fellow huntees and his entire family were behind him, he bowed his head while lowering down to one knee. Feeling the presence of a person standing on the steps above him, he began to move his head upwards before remembering where he was. That would be a big mistake, he thought.
"Stand." The loud, commanding voice of the Hunters' leader, or Har'ay, rang through the main building and almost forced Ed to his feet. He knew he was in no position to ignore his newest command if he wanted to be a hunter, let alone stay alive.

standing alone, a roll of paper that had the official instructions for a ceremony like this was in his hand.
"Pass me that scroll, huntee." The nerves caused Ed to look down at the scroll and almost drop the it. He could almost hear the embarrassment from his family a snigger from his friends. "Clumsy, Huntee?" He remained silent. The Har'ay slowly opened the scroll and read aloud "As many know during the official ceremony the Huntees will be placed in a simulation to test them and find their strengthes, weaknesses and other things that will affect them in battle. This will decide which path they are in."

There weren't many paths in the ranks of the Hunters. They relied mostly on stealth meaning that most people could do the same jobs but specialised Huntees were selected and trained in one particular path. The paths were: Reconnasence, assassination, support and information.

Ed would've loved to be placed in the reconnasence path, more informally known as the Reccies, but he knew that the chances of something like that were minimalistic, to say the least. Only the most intellegent, the best writters and the fastest learners were even considered. The Har'ay continued.
"Edgaras, do you accept that the way of a Hunter will become your life, your dedication and your salvation?" This had been rehersed many times before. "I accept the promises, Har'ay." He placed a hand on Ed's shoulder.
"As Har'ay, leader of the Hunters, i declare that Edgaras Marara will undertake the trials." Aplause filled the room as he slowly turned to face the audience. Ed nodded once and was escorted to a room off to the side of the main hall. He was sat in a chair in the centre of a small room as someone sat next to him with a monitor infront of them.

"You might feel a bit nausious when we first put you in but we are going to run a few tests to decide what path you will be placed in. I assume you know the paths?"
"Uh, yes," Ed blurted quickly "I haven't really thought about them to be honest." Ed knew that was a lie, but he also knew how silly it was to think about joining the Reccies given his family tree. Most if not all his family has been support roles.
"You're going to be injected with a sedative that will knock you out and put you in the simulation. Do not resist. Do not try to fight it. you can feel minor pain in the simulation, but will not feel anything once the simulation is entered. Ready?"
"Ready." As Ed said it a needle was injected into his arm. His eyes began to feel heavy and be felt like he was falling.

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