On the road

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It was 6:45 A.M,you and loona were trying to catch up on sleep since you where both woken up by a certain imp at 5 in the morning. Whal M&M where talking to eachother and simply enjoying the ride so far. About an hour has passes and lonna is passes out,leaning her head on your shoulder with her tail wrapped around you. You thought to yourself.

Thoughts*I wonder if she would like it if I pet her tail....*

So thats what you did,you pet her quite fluffy and soft tail. Once you started to pet it loona shifted a little bit,cuddling up to you as much as she could without the seat belt strangling her in her sleep. Millie saw this and let out an awww and shook Moxxie to make sure he was seeing what she was seeing. The ruthless and terrifying hellhound they knew in the work place was actually a soft teddybear outside of work. She is even better when your around her. You kept on playing with loona's tail as it was something to do on this road trip.

Two hours has passed since you all left for this trip,its officially 8:50 A.M and loona is still asleep,slightly snoring. You where trying to keep yourself awake till you herd Millie said.

Millie:Is she always like this when she is around you?

Y/N:Hmm? Oh yea,she is. You should see her when she is awake though. She is super adorable when she is.....

You said this whal yawning mid sentence,trying to stay awake.

Millie:You seem tired Y/N,try to sleep for a bit.

Y/N:Ya know thats not a bad idea Millie.....

Millie:Then why do you force yourself to stay awake during the day?

Y/N:.......thats something I cannot share,sorry. But if it would make you happy,ill try to sleep......

Millie let out a slight sigh and cuddled up no Moxxie who was stareing out the window. You where trying to position yourself to sleep and you decided to hug loona's tail and lean against her chest,making her chin rest on your head. And so you slept for a while. Luckily nothing bad happend whal you slept which you found to be odd since the last time when you had a nap in the day was when you slept on the break room couch,and that didn't go so well.

Its around 12:45 P.M and you wake up to see Loona awake,scrolling on her phone waiting for you to wake up so she can talk to someone on this boring trip. She notices you shifting to try and stretch.

Loona:Well look who's finally awake,saw you cuddling up with my tail,couldn't help myself but I took a photo of you.

Loona then showed you a photo of you passed out on her chest holding her tail,you blush and try to change the subject by asking Blitzo something.

Y/N:Hey uuuhhhh Blitzo,whats up with the lunch thing? I'm getting hungry.

Loona chimed in as well.

Loona:Ooh can we go to a restaurant instead of fast food?

As Loona said that Blitzo thought about it.

Blitzo:Hmmm,well there is a mom and pop burger stop not too far from here,we could do that for lunch. Is that cool with everyone?

Everyone didn't care as it was food and they wanted to eat something besides the chips that was in the van. You all pulled up to the mom and pop burger stop at around 1 P.M.,you all gave Blitzo your order and he ordered the food,it came out within 30 to 45 minutes. You ordered a spicy chicken bacon burger with extra hot sauce,loona ordered a double cheese burger,Moxxie ordered a patty melt,Millie got a cheese burger and Blitzo got the mom and pop special burger. Which was like the double cheese burger but with extra Patty's and cheese.

Loona:Eh its not bad but this will never beat your cooking.

Y/N:I'm not that good at making burgers,I always seem to mess them up some how. But I'm glad you enjoy my cooking Loonie toonie.

You booped her nose and Loona went a little bit red because you said her nickname out loud in public.


Y/N:Awwww whats wrong? Don't like the nickname?

Loona:N-no I still like it,its just you said it out loud in public......

Y/N:Well then ill have to do it more often then.

You leaned up against her shoulder and continued eating,after you all where done,the bill was paid and you where all om the road again at around 2:30 P.M. you were trying to find something to draw since you were bored and got the idea to draw loona,the problem was though that she needed to be still. So what you did was take a picture of her.

Y/N:Hey Loona.



Loona looked at you right as you toon the photo.

Y/N:Aaaaand you go onto my phones wallpaper haha.

Loona:Awww come on,that was a cheap shot,I could give you a better one if you wanted one.

She have you those puppy dog eyes you where so fond of.

Y/N:Now now,this is only refrance for a sketch im doing,ill have a better photo of you later.

You gave her a sly grin after you said that which made her smile and cuddle up to you,watching as you drew her in her oni form,mask and all. After you were done you presented it to loona proudly and she took it to see what you did,what you did was a detailed cartoon like sketch with shading and a forest background,loona had her mask on with her oversized hood and her blade was drawn. In the top left corner in bold lightning like letters it spelled the hellhound oni. Loona's tail started to wag seeing this.

Loona:Holy shit Y/N,this is amazing,can I keep it?

Y/N:Eh,why not. After all ill be bound to make more soon.

Loona kissed you on the cheek.

Loona:Thanks babe....

Loona ripped the price of paper out of the book,folded it up and put it in her phone case for safe keeping. She kept on cuddling up to you and continued to see you draw the others,on Moxxie she decided to make some goofy changes to him like make him have big glasses and make him have massive textbooks that he was standing on. She couldn't help but laugh to see Moxxie look more stupid than she already saw Moxxie as. That was a great portion of the trip,things got a bit better when you pulled out your phone to listen to music with Loona.

To be continued

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