The Cleansing

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It took a long while before you all ended up home,the pain from your wounds was unbearable when you walked but you didn't make any noise. You sat down against Loona's bedframe as she came into the room with rubbing alcohol and clean bandages. She sat next to you and placed the items down beside her and asked.

Loona:C-can I see it?

Y/N:What,the damage? Its nothing loona tru-

Loona:Bullshit,you came back to the camp bleeding out and passed out when you got there....please let me see.

You looked at loona and saw that she was trying to hold herself back from crying. You lift up your shirt to let loona see the damage the Wendigo delt to you. All Loona saw was blood and three deep six inch gashes on your side.

Loona:Shit Y/N,that thing did a number on you,I'm going to need to see your entire top half to see if he got you anywhere else.

Y/N:Your just trying to see me without a shirt on aren't you.

Your attempt ok flirting with the hellhound made the mood lighetn up a bit,she scoffed and said.

Loona:Y/N this is seriouse. Please let me see.....

Y/N:Fine fine,if you insist Loonie.

You try to take off your shirt but you couldn't because of the pain,so Loona had to take it off for you. She seen more gashes on your shoulder but it didn't seem as bad as the one on your side. Loona grabbed a cloth and the rubbing alcohol and put it on the cloth and she warned you.

Loona:This is going to sting so if you need to hold onto something either hold onto my hand or a pillow.

Y/N:Loona I don't think that will be neces-

Loona put the cloth on your wound and you initially yelped in pain.

Y/N:Fuck that hurt! Bloody hell.....

Loona:That offer still stands.

You took her hand and as she continued to clean the wounds the pain became more bearable and you let go of her hand and became less tense.

Loona:So what the hell happend? Did he play mind games on you?.....

You only sat in silence thinking if you should tell her the truth or not.

Y/N:He told me about my past experience with the Wendigo's......told me that the leader would kill me on the spot if I showed my face to the clan......

Loona:What was the experience you had with them?

Y/N:Do you remember the first time I killed someone for the company? Remember the speed I had?

Loona:Yea....I still remember that day.

Y/N:Truth be told,I'm part Wendigo......when I was alive I ran into the king himself and he took a liking to me,so he took me back to the clan camp and transferd some of his power to me,in return of this power he made me kill...he made me suffer,so one day I had to leave which to them its like betraying them.....

Loona:So let me get this straight,the king gave him some of your power and in return you had to do what he told you to you left and they have been hunting you down because you "betrayed" them......

Y/N:Basically now you know the truth about the Wendigo's and me....

Loona continues to clean and patch your wounds. Took a while but she eventually was finished.

Y/N:Where did you learn to clean and bind bandages like that?

Loona:Blitzk taught me at a young age,and I'm glad he did.

Y/N:Yea,came in handy*yawn*

Loona:Tired dear?

Y/N:Yea......I guess

Loona:Come on then,don't keep a gal waiting.

You got up and got in bed with Loona,you laid down and she cuddled you throughout the night,she held you tighter than usual. You and Loona woke up to see an alert on both your phones saying that the cleansing has officially happend.

Y/N:Its 7 in the morning damn it......

Loona:Fuck the cleansing has started today*Yawn* guess we are staying inside today Y/N.

Y/N:Yea,I guess......

Loona:Come on,get up. We need to change your bandages.

You followed loona out of bed and into the bathroom where it was easier for her to change your bandages and clean the wounds again. After about thirty minutes she was done and you two went downstairs to see Blitzo hammering boards against the windows and doors downstairs that lead outside. He noticed you two and said.

Blitzo:Morning you two,sleep well?

Y/N:Slept okay....

You went over to the kettle to make tea,Loona sat down at the table and waited for you to join her,you got your tea and joined her at the table were you two watched YouTube for a while before you two went upstairs to spend the next few hours inside.

Y/N:So what are these things anyways?

Loona:They are fallen angels that were sent down to redeem themselves by killing the imps and residents of hell.

Y/N:Any of them been killed before?

Loona:No,some people belive they are unkillable.

Y/N:Personally I think that's not true,I'm going to kill one today and show you that they are killable.

Loona:Y/N no,these things are dangerous beings that will kill you instantly,please don't try to go out there. Especially in the state your in I don't think you will kill one of them....

Y/N:Well your going to see me either kill one of those fucker or come back worse than before........

You grab your blade and went outside with Loona trying to hold you back. She had tears in her eyes but you had to see if you could kill one of these things and take their power for it to be your own because if you do,you will become strong enough to protect everyone you love. Especially Loona. Before you went out you kissed loona and told her that you will be back. You went out into the bloody hell that is the cleansing of impcity.

To be continued

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