Partners In The Mission

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Naira's Pov

He is back, Naman Singhania. I thought that he'll never ever came back to us, but that bastard escaped. What will I explain to Chachi and Mishti.
"What happened Naira" Kartik asked placing his hands gently on my shoulder, there was a weird comfort in that gesture.
"n-nothing, I have to go, see you at office". I replied and stood up.
"you can share the problem, I can also help you with all means I have, You can trust me". I looked into those brown orbs, there was nothing but sincerity, they said that I can trust him.
"you have met my family yesterday," to which he nodded. "Mishti's father, well that's the only relation he have with our family, he was sentenced to prison for fouling the business 3 yrs ago and now he have escaped. I'm hell sure that he'll take his revenge. I have to keep my family safe, Kartik"

I said looking into his eyes, which have a different power to capture.

Pov ends

Kartik' s Pov

After jogging, I headed back to my house, thinking about Naira' s words. I have never heard about him, Gayu also never mentioned that she had an another uncle. But I have to help Naira with this, she have trusted me with this piece of information I can't lose that, I should go with the history before going to help her.

I turned around only to find Mrs Goenka nervously standing on the corridor.
"Mansi was giving you this" saying this she handed me a chocolate bar I smiled at my little sister's thought but recovered the face.
"thanks" I said and walked away, not to mention that she was smiling oddly at me.

Pov ends

Naira' s Pov

"What the hell do you mean by he escaped, what kind of security is prevailing over this". I shouted on the officer who was bowing his head in embarrassed. He was out, its not safe after what he said to me last time

"you did this to me, separated my family from me, you'll pay for this, your family too"

I can't think that way, I have to be strong, I really can't trust, even after this happening, I can't. But still I can't figure out the fact that why I shared this with Kartik, he is an amazing person but still was my PA. But I could only say that he was a trustworthy.

"ma'am your phone" the constable showed me the phone kept at the table.

"Naira! This is Kartik"
"Yeah! What happened Kartik is everything alright?" I asked him worry dripping from each words.
"Yes, but I have got some information relating to Naman Singhania with his escape" he said and I gasped, how?
"how? " I asked the question my mind kept asking.
"Some friend you just meet me at the Cafe after office, I'll explain you the rest" he answered.

I just hope this doesn't bring any trouble to him, also

To be continued

Sorry guys for not uploading so long my exams are here and as an lazy teenager I'm sucking at studies. I need give studies a little bit try. Hope you guys understand. And this update was a quick one hope you like it.

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