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I sat in my cage tracing my hands over and over again, kidnapped by Kelsy's crazy ex.

He said it's my fault she fell out of love with him and that she's in jail.

It's funny. One second I was staring up at the sky with a smile and the next I was staring at darkness that wasn't inviting at all.

It wasn't scary but terrifying. I was terrified of the dark but it didn't matter because thats where i was stuck.

I wanted to rip out my hair, cry my eyes out, scream until i lost my voice, but most of all I just wanted Him. that's what kept strong. Him. but again i'm in the dark i can't get HIM.

I hum a tune to a song that I had made for Louis a long time ago to pass the time.

I stop humming as i slowly break down, I kick the cage i'm in as if an animal and let out a scream i've been holding in for way too long, I punch and kick at the cage yanking tugging and ripping at it knowing it's no use.

I drop to the floor and sob as I roll over, ignoring the pain on my body from all the new bruises cuts and scars, use to the burn by now.

I go silent as I hear the floor boards creak and shut down.

Darkness creeping up my spine as my eyes start to water once again. I hate that feeling.

He walked slowly down the stairs as he throws a piece of dirty bread at me and a water bottle.

I sit up and look at him in the eye. he fed me once a week, guess today was friday. another week gone by.

I sigh as he goes back upstairs, watching his every movement as he passed the small window that shone the starlights.

I looked at the window, spitting out my water and choking as I see him.

His fluffy wild hair, bright eyes with tears in them.

Spitting out and choking on the water hit his attention as he turned and halted at me.

"I give you water.. and you spit it out?" he asked coming down the stairs angry

"You ungrateful bitch!" I unlocks the cell and pins me against the wall, hitting me repeatedly before letting me drop to the floor as he starts to kick me over and over.

He repeats it until he gets tired and eventually walks back upstairs.

I just roll over smiling when the door closes as i gaze at the window.

I see a police officer holding him down as he cried and fought to get out of his hold.

*Louis' Pov
We had figured out where he was in no time and we got on the soonest flight possible.

when we landed police had already been called in. i wouldn't let them go without me plus they needed me to lead them to the spot.

when we got there we saw the cabin and a man leaving it and getting into his vehicle.

I ran to the door before they stopped me.

"What?!" I snapped

"you have no clue who els is in there, plus if we get harry before he gets back then we can't get him."

"We should get harry first." I argued

"no your coming with us, we're checking the surroundings."

I angrily followed him as we walked around the cabin, when we got to the back we saw a window.

I immediately ran up to it and looked inside only to find the heartbreaking sight of my boyfriend sitting against a wall on the floor in a cage, bruised and bloody, he's lost a lot of weight.

I thought that was heartbreaking.. then i'm not sure what i thought of his screams or cries as he hit and kicked the cage.

I covered my mouth with my hand as i held in a sob, catching the attention of the police.

we all watched him as he broke.

I turned as I heard a truck and we all ducked when we saw the man coming back.

when the door shut we all saw how Harry's body went deadly still.

The man went down and I restrained myself from going in there when he threw the food at harry.

and that's when we made eye contact. and that's when i saw how he got abused. that's when the police officers had to hold me back because i couldn't sit here and watch this.




I froze and automatically turned to look at my baby who was glaring, i was confused at first before I smiled at the fact that he was glaring at the officer.

*Harry's Pov
My smile was replaced with and angry frown.

why is he touching my louis?

the officer must have said something that made louis look over with his tear stained face.

He smiled when he saw me looking at him and the officer, glaring at the man holding my boyfriend down.

I slowly force myself up off the ground falling a couple times before making my way to the front of the cage, getting as close as i could to louis.

They started doing something with the window as the officer went got up.

The window opens and I hear his voice.

"Harry?" he called out

"Louis." I smiled even after hearing my rasp and broken voice.


Hope you liked the chapter loves.

Eat and drink please.

Stay healthy and safe.

if you ever need to talk i'm always here.

love you guys!


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