16: Show Up

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Percy is sure that Apollo can fly if he wanted, but he is also sure this isn't flying. Basically Apollo was flung across the place like a rag doll, and Percy was quite sure that Apollo isn't happy judging by the super sonic shouts that knock Percy out.

Percy steady himself, before looking towards the horizon of knocked out people, who is apparently trained agents or so they say. To his surprise though, Apollo was pass out too which is not supposed to happen since they're gods.

Percy cringed at the sight, the place looks awful judging by the cracks on the concrete and falling objects. However he is still thankful that Apollo distracts him from crashing the whole building down, even though it's not pleasant distraction.

Breathing the dust, Percy walk towards their prize, their mission and their future problem. The stupid stone was encase on glassy cube, which probably prevents it from going nuclear, he thought.

Percy noted that it has similar energy signature of some divine weapons like the master bolt and his father's trident, which is a sign that the little thing was a danger for everybody, especially if someone who's evil held it.

Speaking of evil, Percy is pretty sure that there is someone powerful is on their presence. Since mutant's can't just flung god's around like that, so Percy is pretty sure that it might be a deity, whose he is equal in power.

"Mr. Invisible villain, I'd prefer if you show yourself" Percy started, as he warily watch every corner of the place.

"I'd prefer to hide, thank you very much" A melodious voice rang, startling Percy a bit.

Clearing his throat, Percy replied "You see I'm not really mentally stable nowadays, so I'm not really sure if talking to non existent person is something that I should be doing-"

"Enough!" The voice shouted, "I'm not here to hear your petty problems godling!"

Percy gritted his teeth, "Surely you don't, but you can't go around barging and flinging people around. Also I might have an idea why you're hiding"

"Humour me" The voice replied, amusement leaking on the mystery voice.

Percy's grin bloomed, "Well I think you're ugly"

"I sure not"

"You probably had mud for face"

"I sure have face for face"

"Snakes for hair?"

"I'm in a hurry, I would be very thankful if-"

"Stones for eyes?"

"Enough, I-"

"You probably wear your underwear out"

"Enough, I'm not here to play-"

"Your skin is probably red or blue-"

"ENOUGH!!! How dare you- Pesky- Petty- Annoyin- Ignorant..."

Percy cringed, the curses that follow his statement was enough to put him in to silent mode. However he was soon distracted when a human form showed up, and well the guy is surely familiar. He thought.

Long raven hair, emerald green eyes, pale skin and aristocrat face. "You're the agent, when Apollo and I visited Thor" Percy breathed out, wariness obvious on his stance. "Who are you?"

"I peg you as smarter than this, Perseus. Perhaps rereading mythology will help" The mystery guy said, before summoning a book that fly across the room and hit Percy on the chest quite strongly.

Percy gritted his teeth, he is pretty sure that books wasn't supposed to be that heavy and hurtful. "Who are you really? Luke isn't your name, Who are you?"

"Seeing that you're not a fan of honorifics, you can call me Loki"
The god said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

AN: Hey guys, Just finished my second year on college and well I got good grades. So that's that.

Godly Avengers: Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now