Chapter 1

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It's was a Sunday morning, things were going perfect as planned.

Lights, streams of lights peered into the room through the window in front of the light stand.





Roy begrudgingly hit the ringing alarm, as he hopes it's not broken.

He felt too lazy to wake up, he rolled from the left side of the bed to the right. It's kind of unusual that the bed felt this cozy, this time of the morning.

With all his might, he sprung up. He looked around and found out that this wasn't his room.

He rubbed his eyes with his two hands. Then his eyes roams around the room, the ceiling was peak in color, the walls, oh ok there where no concrete walls but glasses, yeah the walls were made of glass, as transparent as they were one could could see through'em (ok let's call it a see-through glass), at the right hand side if the bed lied a desk which held a Mac computer, some notes which were scattered as if some one was there some mins ago, an intercom which has a wire traced to the modem and a portable WiFi, something that looks like an office chair was in front of the desk. The flowing pink curtains, a big screen TV (which is already playing a netflix show), the room was total luxury, he couldn't afford all these.

Roy's legs had a mind of it's own as it stood him up and he found himself roaming around the room. He saw an enclosed door some where at the corner of the room, he was curious to know what's behind this door, without thinking he swung it open. Only to see cloths displayed neatly, 'this must be a changing room' he thought. He gasps in awe as he saw clothing brands he couldn't afford, he was shocked as he saw the checkout mirror which was wide, he saw a phone stand attached with ring light.

He heard sounds of footsteps, with his instincts, he rushed out of the room and snuck up the kings' sized bed and pretended to be sleeping. Who knows if this room also had a CCTV camera that saw what he was doing lol, I hope not lmfao.

The main door to the roam swung open as 3 girls entered inside,they seem to be carrying clothes and stuff.

He peeked at them and jolted up in an awkward position as one said "good morning sir, our master orders are to freshen you up and get you ready for breakfast for breakfast down stairs". Roy thought hard on the words of the 3 maids and especially on 'Master' 'who was this guy?, and why can't he remember what happened from last night?.'

He rubs his fore head and nods timidly, signaling the maids that he's in accordance with their master's orders. " pls sir, follow us to the bathroom.. " the dark complexioned amongst the maid obliged. He stood up and followed them into the same dressing room which he entered. Just at the end of the walk way was a slide door which opened and bathroom came into view, they hurriedly prepared a bath for him.

The maid started coming at him, he flinched trying to run away, but they made him know that they just wanted to remove his clothing.

"It's alright I can take it from here." Roy gestured knowing that they meant no harm.

He was about to go shirtless, but something was off. As he held the helm of his night top. "Are you girls gonna watch me go naked?, at least I need some privacy!" He complained.

"Alright sir, we will be waiting in the changing room waiting for you sir" she bowed in respect and turned "come on girls" the other 2 maids followed suit and shut the doors.

Roy, now stark naked entered into the already prepared bath and relaxed his body. The cold water soothes his skin,as he rest his back on the bathtub some series of events that happened last night vaguely flashed in front of his eyes.

He thought hard, he tried to remember what really happened yesterday. The picture of a large figure of someone on top of him..dominating him,while his hands were tied was flashing before his eyes vaguely he couldn't see the person's face.

He brushed off the thought as he began to scrub his body thoroughly. Some mins later, he was done, he took the towel that was hung on the hook and dried his body then tied it on his waist.

He looked at the mirror attached to the wall, his grip tightened on the sink as he sternly observes his reflection carefully.

His hands strokes his neck where he found something that looks like love bites, as he rubs the small wound at that region he winced at the painful pleasure, 'Who is this maniac that could bite me so senseless like this?'. The wound was pink in color, the teeth marks was showing even his shoulder was designed. He huffed annoyingly and shoved the door open.

"Sir here, let me help you" one of the maid brought a fine linen obliging to help dress roy. Roy was shrugging but gave up because he put on his boxers, so they had nothing dangling to see lol.

"We are done sir, Our lord is expected to see you down stairs for breakfast before it gets cold" she bowed as the other maids heads out.

"Can I follow you to the dining?" I asked, so curious to see this 'MASTER'.

"Yes, I will show you the way sir!" She nods.

They stepped out of the room, Roy's eyes darted cross the walk way which has artworks decorated on both sides of the walls,some were paintings,some were molds,some were valuable wallpapers,some were gold artifacts.

He was amazed,how can this be a house,this is a mansion.

They got to a spacious part of the building downstairs where a see-through glass elongated table came into view. The table had ornaments decorating its body,it has golden edges which makes it peculiar.

With Mild strength, he pushed back on of the seat and sat down as his eyes still roams around the building.

"How long are you going to keep gawking at the ceilings to notice I am here?" a familiar deep voice vibrates the table,seeking attention and Roy comes back his senses to notice a man in his early 30s' glaring at him.

He was utterly bulky, the guy belonged to the muscle category. He was handsome, his coils seems to cover the other part of his face which made him more handsomely amazing, his hazelnut eyes met Roy's and this time he wore the 'Do-i-look-so-small?' look.

"I asked a question Roy?" The bulky man reminded Roy as he demands an answer.

"Oh sorry uh-uh-" Roy thought hard to see if he could remember any of his name, but to no avail. Once more he opened his mouth to say something but the chef cut him off as she went in to say "Sir breakfast is ready!" She squeaked in a sing-song-like manner.

"Thanks chef Diane" the big stud said with a smirk plastered on his face as he collected his own tray from one of the maids who were serving, Roy on the other hand got his, he opened the tray to see a very delicious dish of fried rice and chicken and salad,it was smoking hot though,enough to make his mouth water.....

Target for next update: 50+ reads, 10+ votes, 3+ comments and a follow!😏💁‍♂️📌💨

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