Honey, i'm home!

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"I'm home."

"Welcome home."

Akira doesn't need to be able to see to know who greets him; the voice has become too familiar to him. Which is good, because he can't see much of anything: his glasses completely blur his vision, covered in raindrops.

"You're back late," Akechi says. "Wh -- ah, I see you forgot an umbrella."

"I didn't check the forecast," Akira half-grumbles. He takes off his glasses, uselessly rubbing them against his equally wet shirt. Vision unobscured, he sees Akechi sitting at his usual spot, an open book and cup of coffee in front of him. The rest of the café is empty, save for Sojiro; of course, that's expected during a downpour like today.

"Well, that's what you get, then," Sojiro says with a short laugh.

Akira only gives him a look before he drops his bag onto one of the booths, unzipping it and letting Morgana out. Even with the shelter of the bag, the water was torrential enough that it had sunk through, and the cat's damp fur clung to him. He shakes his whole body, gives a short hiss, and walks quickly up the stairs.

"Here," Sojiro says, no further warning before he tosses Akira a large towel from behind the counter, which is caught with ease. "Just dry off in the bathroom. I'm going to close up early." Not waiting for a reply, he walks over to the kitchen.

Akira mumbles a thanks. But instead of making his way to the bathroom, he takes a seat next to Akechi.

"You really should go dry off," Akechi says.

"It's just water." True, his hair and clothes are like glue against his body, and parts of him feel a bit numb from the chill, but...

"You'll catch a cold."

"You don't have to keep up with the loving wife act beyond greeting me at the door, you know."

Akira can see Akechi stop mid-sip of his drink, but he plays it off well by clearing his throat as he sets his drink down with his usual poise. "Well, let me know when you have an actual wife to do it in my stead."

A smile finds its way onto Akira's face, growing wider, he realizes, as Akechi returns it.

Akechi's eyes return to his book and Akira takes out his phone. It blinks with several messages.

Akira's gaze, however, find its way back to Akechi. He sits with one leg crossed over the other, leaning over the counter with his chin resting on his hand. Though his hair falls forward a bit, it doesn't obscure his eyes entirely, and Akira notes that not only are they unmoving across the page of his book, but they're also half shut. Even still, Akechi lightly fidgets with the corner of a page in between his forefinger and thumb.

"Tired?" Akira asks.

Akechi looks over at him with a small start. "Hm?" He seems to take a moment to process the question, but he then simply shakes his head once. "Oh, not particularly," he says, not convincing Akira or even himself, probably.

"You want another refill before I close up? On me, since it's your fourth," Sojiro says, walking back over to them. "And you," he adds, voice decidedly less friendly, "get in the damn bathroom and dry off before you soak the counter."

"I'm going, I'm going," Akira says, standing with a small sigh.

"Good night, then," Akechi says.

"You too. Careful on your way home."

"I'll be fine. I have an umbrella."

Akira doesn't bother looking back to see the self-satisfied smile on his face.

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